WriteMyPapers Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.
- Price from $16
- Discount 5%
- Deadline 6h
- Writemypapers claims to be a professional company you can trust. But if you used such services at least once, you know that the information stated on the website is not always true. The design of the site is quite modern and suggests that the service is trustworthy.
- However, the negative reviews are posted not for nothing. And our research proved that all that’s written about this company on other websites is true. Writemypapers tries to live up to their promises, but they don’t always succeed in it. Testimonials on the website are probably pre-paid, that’s why people may trust this company.
- “Is writemypapers a scam?” - certainly not. The company doesn’t steal money. The main claim for it is the poor quality of papers. Clients pay money and expect to get a perfectly written essay or research, but instead, they have to spend several hours editing and proofreading.
Preferred writer 01
The clients whose orders are urgent and don’t exceed 24 hours may choose the writers from the list of Top or Advanced writers. Yet, this option significantly affects the final price. -
Plagiarism report 02
If you want to be sure that your paper is truly written from scratch, pick this option, and your paper will be checked in a plagiarism detector. -
Editor’s check 03
Free yourself from the need to edit a paper on your own and ask an expert editor to do it for you. Hopefully, your paper will look better this way. -
Text messages 04
Get text messages on your mobile phone to be aware of the status of your order. They’ll inform you about each step of the work and all changes that are being made.
Writemypapers boasts of the huge writers’ staff and claims that they are skillful experts. But if you expect to get high-quality and flawless paper, you won’t get it. We’ve evaluated writemypapers reviews, tried to order the paper on our own to see what we’ll get. Papers ordered on this service show that many writers have a superficial knowledge of the subject, don’t use academic language, and often make silly grammatical and punctuation errors.
If you need to show your deep understanding of the subject, you may request another writer to craft your paper or use a more reliable academic writing service. The final option is even better. Evidently, the quality of work execution depends on the paper type and the topic. If you need to get a paper on a specific topic, this service will hardly help you to get a good grade for it. Yet, write my paper org delivers orders on time, and that’s not bad.


Users’ impressions after using write my papers are different, so claiming that this service has a perfect reputation would be a big mistake. Initially, we’ve aimed at creating an honest and comprehensive review of this company. So besides ordering papers on our own and evaluating their quality, we’ve also looked through the clients’ testimonials and reviews. In general, users’ impressions depend on their expectations. This rule applies to everything.
Writemypapers pretends to care about its reputation and posts the clients’ testimonials in a separate section. But if you expect to read truthful reviews there, don’t get your hopes up. People sometimes have negative experiences with the service and reflect it in their reviews. On the main page, we see that all clients are satisfied. However, if we look for reviews on the Internet, we’ll see that the percentage of positive reviews is lower. People complain about the poor quality of papers written even by the top writers. Some people remained satisfied with the cooperation though.