Unemployed Professors Review
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- Price from $25
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- Deadline 3h
- If you have been using academic writing services regularly in the past, you think you have probably seen it all. However, Unemployed Professors service manages to surprise even experienced students who buy custom written academic assignments all the time. The biggest clue is in the name: Unemployed Professors claim to hire real professors who are out of work.
- There is a whole legend about the origins of the service. According to it, the service was launched by just one unemployed professor who got disappointed in the corrupt world of college education and made it his goal to help students from all walks of life. Soon, other jobless professors joined him and the service has been working ever since.
- However, we cannot help but have doubts about this story. Being a college professor is a prestigious, high-class job that you wouldn’t just give up. And since there is no way of telling whether real professors work for the service, we choose to believe that at least not every person working for Unemployed Professor is a genuine professor.
Free pages 01
No matter what type or size of a paper you order, you will get several essay pages, such as bibliography, title page, and references, for free. -
Citations 02
Need your paper to be formatted according to one of the US formatting styles? Just ask your writer to use Harvard, MLA, APA, or Turabian citation! -
Fast delivery 03
If you want your essay to be written as soon as possible, simply say so when placing the order. Get ready to pay accordingly for an urgent order! -
Communication with the writer 04
Once you accept a bid from one of the writers, you will be able to communicate with them directly via the messaging system in your order page.
We would be fine with the high Unemployed Professors cost of service and their possible lying about the writing staff if the quality of work execution matched our expectations. Unfortunately, that is not the case with this writing service. We found the papers written by the service to lack not only outstanding writing, but also basic requirements for academic writing. There were particularly many problems with the vocabulary, although spelling and punctuation were also far from perfect.
The situation with the quality of writing seems especially ironic if you look at the website and its promises given to the customers. The authors of Unemployed Professors make sure to point out that they don’t hire writers from developing countries such as India, where, according to them, people have a poor command of English. Given the UnemployedProfessors’ own problems with the quality, this statement seems not only hypocritical, but also very offensive to people living abroad.


In preparation for this Unemployed Professors review, we have seen dozens of reviews and testimonials from people who have already bought papers from the service to find out the general opinion about Unemployed Professors on the internet. We found that the numerous Unemployed Professors Reddit and Google reviews paint a rather complete picture.
We cannot say that 100% of the reviews of the service found online are negative, but there are far more negative reviews than possible testimonials no matter where you look. The most common complaints from the customers concern the quality of writing. Even with simple and short essays, the quality leaves a lot to be desired, not to mention the complex and demanding papers like dissertations and theses. The choice of words is often questionable, the spelling is not always precise, and punctuation problems are surprising, since the papers are supposed to be written by real professors.