ThePensters Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $15
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- The Pensters is an academic writing service that claims to have been in the essay writing business for a decade. On their website, you can see lots of impressive statistics, including the fact that the service currently has over 1000 active writers, which we find nearly impossible to believe.
- At the same time, Penster has an ad for new writers to join the team, which means that basically anyone can apply to the company and there is no word on how strict their selection process is. There is a rating of writers near the bottom of the page, but nearly none of the writer profiles contain real photos.
- ThePensters offers a fairly standard selection of services. They can do your essay, review, dissertation, coursework, speech, and a couple of other written tasks, although we didn’t find CV and cover letter writing services on the list — they can be very helpful for students who want to maximize their chance of landing their first ever job.
Editing and proofreading 01
If you have written your own essay and now want to give it a more polished and academic look, you can hire one of the Pensters editors to proofread your paper for you. -
Rewriting 02
In case you already have a paper but now want to make it fully original to easily pass a plagiarism test, a ThePensters writer can rewrite it for you. -
Specific writer 03
If you have already worked with one of the Pensters writers and enjoyed the result, you can request assistance from the same writer by entering their ID. -
Writer finder 04
Don’t want to spend your time reviewing the bids and selecting the writer? For an additional fee, ThePensters can automatically assign your order to the most qualified writer.
To review the quality of writing and overall service delivered by The Pensters, we placed a test order for a 2-page college essay with a 14-day deadline. We included some instructions with our order and waited for the bids. However, after three hours, only two bids appeared. We chose the more expensive one and placed the money into our account for the writer to start working on our paper. It was delivered two hours before the deadline.
The paper contained the required number of words and was formatted according to our instructions. However, when we closely inspected the content of the paper, we were less than impressed. The paper done by the Pensters writer was nowhere near the college level — in fact, we did not think it would be acceptable even for high school. We also noticed a couple of quotes that were not properly referenced, which could come up in a plagiarism test.


ThePensters made sure to make that positive reviews of the service highly visible on the website. The reviews are very detailed and contain not only the customer’s opinion, but also the information about the writer, the order, and even the date. Overall, the reviews look rather legit, but, unsurprisingly, they are 100% positive and give The Pensters five stars for their services. The writers are also able to respond to the review and even rate the customers.
A quick look at the Pensters reviews on independent, third-party websites, reveals a slightly different story. Not all testimonials about the service we found were positive; in fact, only about 25% of the customers are completely happy with the work done for them by ThePensters. The majority of other customers were not particularly satisfied with their experience. They reported missed deadlines, inflated prices, and the writer’s reluctance to do a revision. Customers also often talk about the problems with the quality of the papers, stating it does not match the prices charged there.