Scribendi Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.

- Price from $15
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- Scribendi is rather well known in the academic world, which is why we were eager to give this service an honest review and tell you whether it’s worth using. The first thing that unpleasantly surprised us was the fact that Scribendi does not offer any writing services and can only edit and proofread your essay.
- Scribendi offers its services to numerous categories of customers, including not only students, but also academics, job seekers, corporate professionals, and people who use English as a second language. However, the variety of services remains the same no matter which category you belong to, which, to us, is a downside.
- Even before we sat down to do our review, we knew that the reputation of Scribendi com is rather uneven. That is why we decided to look at every aspect of the service, its features, and prices, to give you the definitive answer to the question: is Scribendi a viable solution for your education needs or should you look for assistance elsewhere?
Essay proofreading 01
If you have written your essay on your own and now want to make sure your writing is spotless, one of the Scribendi editors will polish your work for you. -
Essay editing 02
In case you have only created the first draft of your paper and want to know if the structure and storytelling of your essay are good enough, order editing services from Scribendi. -
Admission essay editing 03
Want to maximize your chances of getting into your dream school with a beautifully written essay? Have it edited by one of the Scribendi editors. -
Admission essay proofreading 04
If you have just finished your admission essay and think you’ve done a brilliant job with the writing, order proofreading services to make sure your paper is flawless.
To test the quality of work execution by Scribendi, we placed a test order with a 2-page essay. We wanted the Scribendi editors to proofread the paper. The order placement experience was rather smooth: we quickly found out the price of our order, and soon after we paid for the service, we got a notification that an editor started working on the paper. Our order was delivered shortly before the deadline, so there were no problems at this stage.
However, when we reviewed our order, we were less than happy with the results. The writing largely remained unchanged, even though we purposefully made it contain many problematic fragments. And even when the editor did change the text, the changes were either incorrect or unnecessary. We decided to ask for a revision, and, after some hesitation, the writer accepted the order back. This time, he did a much better job, but it took him two days to deliver.


As always, the best way for us to ensure the fairness of our Scribendi review is to see what the customers think of the service. Sometimes, even with all the disadvantages, we find in a particular writing service, it still turns out that customers have a highly favorable opinion of the company. First, we checked the testimonials on the Scribendi website. Unsurprisingly, most of the testimonials were positive and praised the service and its features.
Then we took a detailed look at the Scribendi reviews on third party website. Usually, these reviews give a complete picture of the service, and this time was no exception. We found that only about half of the reviewers were happy with the help they got from Scribendi, while the other half experienced various problems with their orders. The most common problems included the quality of editing and the writer’s attitude towards a revision. Users were also unhappy about the prices, which is not surprising: for $14 a page, you can get your essay written from scratch, not just edited.