Scribbr Review
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- With the abundance of online options, students are spoilt by choice today, whether it comes to expert writing assistance and guidance, or to grammar and plagiarism checking. That’s why they expect a variety of services and features from such websites. To live up to the students’ expectations and become their go-to online writing help source, one has to offer everything they need in one place, plus discounts, rewards and probably some other perks – but most importantly, to keep the prices affordable. Scribbr fails at all of the above. Notwithstanding its solid online reputation in the industry, and regardless of the Scribbr rating being excellent according to many customers, it can’t be considered one of the top academic sources for students. Read on to find out what Scribbr lacks to become one.
- Scribbr may be a buzzword because it offers a quality plagiarism checker. Any top-rated anti-plagiarism tools review includes a paragraph or two of a Scribbr review as one of the most accurate tools for plagiarism detection. Much to the students’ disappointment though, it is not the service most of them are looking for, as the prices on the website are through-the-roof high. While Scribbr claims to have highly qualified essay and dissertation experts, they can only proofread and edit your paper, not help you with writing it. So it is not a service for anybody who has a limited budget or is struggling with putting together an essay or other piece of academic writing. In other words, it’s not a student-friendly website, even though Scribbr is extensively marketed towards students.
- Other than that, Scribbr creates an impression of a well-organized, trustworthy and professional service. This goes beyond just the visual aspect of quality web design and streamlined information layout. The website doesn’t showcase testimonials from some anonymous people, or push you into signing up before you can even see something you were searching for. So you aren’t likely to worry about, ‘is Scribbr fake or scammy?’ at any point of using the website. Over a thousand enthusiastic Scribbr reviews on Trustpilot that are mentioned on the home page should be self-explanatory statistics, as compared to dubious praising statements found on similar websites. To eliminate questions like ‘is Scribbr reliable?’, there are also examples of results you will receive when your edit is completed, and a sample of a Scribbr plagiarism check report. You can view the photos and gifs of the Scribbr team on the About Us page, as well as the photos and profiles of the editors in the Our Editors section. A large company is certainly more likely to be trustworthy and reliable than a website run by a group of students.
Scribbr reviews are mixed - some customers are delighted, others claim they had higher expectations, or received work of varying quality when placing different orders. However, the service promises to ‘always meet the deadline’ and doesn’t fail to do so, even if it takes several experts to work on a larger paper.An impressive feature is the variety of languages Scribbr editors can work with, as the service hires native speakers worldwide. English is definitely the most common, but proofreading and editing services are available in Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish. Scribbr plagiarism checker also works with 20 different languages and is well-known for its quality.
Being one of the top rated anti-plagiarism tools for academic purposes, Scribbr plagiarism checker uses the same advanced software and extensive database as Turnitin (which includes books, academic papers and publications). That’s why Scribbr plagiarism report results are likely to be more accurate than what you get elsewhere, and different from those of many other anti-plagiarism services that only use the Internet as their database. This may be of utmost importance when writing research papers and dissertations.


Variety of payment options is not just a convenience appreciated by many, but an essential feature of any quality service. Scribbr supports both credit cards and some payment methods that are less common for writing services (PayPal, WeChat Pay, AliPay, iDEAL). So it looks like its customers should be happy with the choice – provided they are content with the price, or at least the value they are getting for their money. They aren’t? Why is that?
With all the respect to quality, language variety, and the service’s commitment to meeting the deadlines, which can’t be cheap, the prices could be more affordable, at least in the form of special offers or loyalty rewards. Besides relying on its sound reputation and quality standards, Scribbr could benefit from making an impression of a team that cares about students rather than just about profits. As of now, there is nothing to make a student feel welcomed, relaxed, encouraged and appreciated at Scribbr. Sure, why bother, when the writing service is reputable already, but that doesn’t resound well with their pledge of making students happy.