ZipJob Review
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- Price from $139
- Discount -
- Deadline 3 days
- We started our ZipJob review with an analysis of the website options. The interface is quite convenient, comprising all tools applicable at your fingertips. In addition, the context menu contains the most ongoing matters and significant company performance features that every potential customer may request. On the homepage, you can click "view services" to familiarize yourself with the services packages.
- Also, there's an option for free revisions of your resume. We applied for it while performing our ZipJob review and got a short analysis of our resume and a special offer for their services. The thing that we found inconvenient is the vast bulk of repetitive information in various website sections. We didn't see, however, the precise details of the duration of the company's experience. Instead, we noticed the following figures showing the service's competence.
- The staff includes 100+ specialists in more than 65 fields. The approximate number of reviews left by experts and clients is approaching 1,000,000. However, it's hard to prove that indicator. The service served about 30,000 applicants. The company has a few experts with multi-year expertise in Human Resources that reflect the competence of the personnel.
Free resume review 01
Suppose you have no or few invitations to the interview and have a low level of LinkedIn profile traffic while having no idea what the problem is with your resume or cover letter. In that case, this option will be an effective solution. It's enough to provide the service with your resume, and then the expert will check it for mistakes. This option is at no cost to customers and helps to define the critical peculiarities of a resume and cover letter. Zip Job reviews highlight the efficiency of this tool. -
Phone call 02
A phone call with your specialist is a payable option in demand among applicants. However, from ZipJob reviews, more than direct communication with a writer via free messenger is required for clients. That's because many customers pay additional fees for discussing the resume or cover letters via call. -
Thank you letter 03
The recruitment process implies business communication with an employer before and after the interview. One message can change the way the manager feels about you. Therefore, you need to know some intricacies of language use and other tricks. Zip Job experts can assist you with winning over the employer for an extra charge. -
Video call 04
If interaction in a messenger doesn't seem enough, you can request a face-to-face online meeting paying an additional fee for that. The website needs more information about this option. However, ZipJob resume writing reviews prove its availability. The expert can initiate a trial interview to determine whether you are prepared enough and to help you boost your skills in being interviewed.
Zip Job isn’t an ordinary resume writing company since it has tech options crucial for putting your candidacy in the top positions. However, ATS is widely applicable in the modern recruitment process. Unfortunately, only some employers employ it. Therefore, if you are eager to be invited to the interview and get your dream job, ATS optimization of your resume and LinkedIn profile is critical.
Access to the most popular Zip recruiter job boards is a company’s significant benefit. Experts go abreast of the time and are aware of the latest trends in employment and other fields. In addition, every resume the service offers sticks to the rules of ATS, including appropriate keywords, structure, etc.
The resume writing process includes checking a specialist’s draft by a client and correcting a piece according to the specific requirements. As a result, each paper, resume, and cover letter is plagiarism free since customized to meet even the most minor intricacies of the candidate’s needs.
According to ZipJob reviews, the service performs tasks within the indicated time and provides unique pieces. Customers confirm that papers are tailored to their demands, but a few complain about delays in writer’s resume revisions after they write a draft. It’s a famous company, but because of the large number of clients, it may face various issues.

- Unique papers. The company approaches each order as a unique project. Subsequently, every piece is original and corresponds to the client's demands. After placing your request, you indicate precise characteristics of your personality, work experience, education, goals, and desired salary rate. Also, if you have one, you can download your resume to understand your mistakes more profoundly. Job descriptions of your desired career positions are welcome too. Zip Job search and ATS techniques the company employs increase the effectiveness of your resume. The service offers plagiarism-free resumes and cover letters regardless of the immense expertise in writing similar pieces. This assurance is general to all clients, no matter what package you acquire.
- Unlimited revisions. This is another guarantee each package implies. Even if you apply solely for rewriting your resume, you will get a free option of unlimited amendments within the time of your employment. However, we found a few ZipJob reviews Reddit stating that time for free revisions is one week at maximum. The matter may be the change of the applicant's decision on the career position and plans. The service must ensure it will correct your resume when you select a new profession or other such occasions.
- 60-day interview guarantee. Unlike Fast track and Premium service ranges, the smallest package doesn't include this guarantee. This assurance implies you will get at least 2x more interviews after expert resume writing. Therefore, you will have two times more chances to get a dream job. A few Zipjob resume reviews were included thanks to the service for more career opportunities. However, there are clients whose expectations still need to be met.

To order a resume on the service, you should indicate all payment details, including credit or debit card number, zip and security code, expiration date, and a ZipJob discount code if you have one. Among payment methods are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. While preparing our Zip Job review, we checked the payment process, which was transparent and secure. Unfortunately, the privacy policy and terms and conditions are unavailable on ZipJob because of an error.
ZipJob is a service competent in performing optimized resumes and cover letters and updating LinkedIn profiles according to the current trends and high standards approved by top employers. There are 850+ positive reviews with 5+ customer satisfaction rates on Trustpilot.
The overall number of customer testimonials is 1,000,000, including those from various review services. Such an indicator may reflect the vast expertise in the field. However, we also read at least one ZipJob review with a concrete negative context. The personnel contains experts with a considerable background in recruiting and other industries.
If you wonder what’s better between Zipjob vs TopResume, you should know they have standard, the same order placement systems and writers. However, the first one has less expertise. It doesn’t imply it’s better or worse. Performing our Zip Job review, the company lacks a few nuances regarding its performance on the site but has reasonable prices and a rapid customer support center within business hours.
ZipJob is a service for you to apply for secure resume writing assistance. However, urgent questions may sometimes need to be more flexible.