XYZ Homework Review
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- Price from $16
- Discount 5%
- Deadline 6h
- When we first heard about the XYZHomework service, we were pretty excited — it’s not every day you will find not just a writing service, but also a tool that can help you improve your knowledge and get better grades. However, we were rather disappointed to find out that the scope of XYZ Homework service is only limited to math.
- That’s right, the whole www xyzhomework com website is dedicated strictly to a single subject, which is math. Essentially, this service is a learning tool where you can master different aspects of math through tutorials and then test your knowledge with various tests and quizzes.
- The XYZ Homework website itself looks rather outdated and there is very little information on what the service can do. We know that it is used not only by students, but also by instructors and other members of the faculty who want an easy solution for assessing the skills of their students and grading their homework.
Video lessons 01
With a subscription, you get access to the MathTV video lessons that explain complex math concepts in every detail and help you understand the subject better. -
Math exercises 02
There are over 4,500 math exercises that will assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of any math concept you may be currently struggling with. -
Automatic grading 03
The automated grading system will be particularly useful for instructors, as it allows to grade multiple tests at once with minimal involvement from the teacher. -
Easy communication 04
With XYZ Homework, you can build an effective communication system between the teacher and individual students, the whole class, or between students.
At first glance, beginning to use the XYZHomework system does not look particularly complicated. We easily obtained an XYZ Homework login, but then we discovered, perhaps, the biggest catch: you can only access the tutorials and tests on the website if your instructor previously set up an online class and gave you an access code. Without it, XYZ Homework, no matter how great its resources may be, is pretty much useless, unless you have an invite from the teacher.
After taking a more detailed look at the functionality offered by XYZHomework, we discovered that the interface and knowledge base could certainly use an upgrade. Right now, it doesn’t feel like a modern website and the user experience is far from ideal. As far as we could tell, the selection of study materials and exercises is decent, but you are very limited in your ways to access them. Plus, you will constantly require help from your instructor for navigation.

- There is an unlimited practice feature, which allows you to practice solving the problem as many times as needed.
- XYZHomework is not particularly strict when it comes to grading and can know the difference between a mistake and misspelling.
- If your instructor allows it, you may have more than one attempt to correctly answer the question.
- Both students and instructors can contact customer support during working hours with any requests.

We already talked about the lack of essential information on the XYZ Homework website, which is why it shouldn’t surprise you that there are absolutely no reviews of the service to see there. At the same time, there are plenty of customer testimonials available on third party websites and discussion boards. After reviewing the testimonials, we found out that instructors are pretty happy with the service, as it helps them save the effort on grading.
When it comes to the opinions from the students, the picture is slightly different. There is a small percentage of XYZHomework student users who are also satisfied with the service. They say it’s very helpful for understanding and practicing math, and they also like the testing system that can be set up by the teacher. However, there are many students who have had to use XYZ Homework because their teacher said so and they are not too satisfied. They think the interface is outdated, the grading system is not very precise, and the price is not budget-friendly for a single subject.