StudyPool Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.

- Price from One you select by the tutor’s rate
- Discount -
- Deadline Deadline you request
- The primary thing we checked while preparing our Study Pool review was the website’s interface and the options available on the site. It is easily manoeuvrable and quite user-friendly since all services and buttons are at your fingertips. However, it was tricky to find customer support and options to contact them. Only after becoming familiar with the “how it works” policy, we found the email address of the customer service. It was the only way to inquire about further details about the service. There is precise information on the tutor’s rates, but there is a price policy that comprises all the intricacies of the payment process and extra charges.
- You should have a StudyPool login to purchase expert assistance or apply for customer support. Such requirements make StudyPool legit since it shows how the service approaches customer satisfaction and confidentiality. On the homepage, you can post your question or read the existing answers to similar issues by the tag of your subject. You also can request tutoring services and attend classes in online and offline formats. There is an immense database of various articles, books, reports, and other information sources that a learner may find useful. Most papers are available for all clients.
- Our team looked through Study Pool reviews on the site to form a better understanding of the client's impression of the tutor’s professionalism. We found statistics on the company’s performance and revealed that the service has 10-year experience in assisting students from around the globe. The personnel includes about 10,000 tutors with various specializations. The customer satisfaction rate is 4.7 on the site. The service also has a blog with effective guides for learners.
Private question 01
If you want to stay anonymous while posting a private question, you can add this option to your order for an extra charge. Then, your question will be private. -
Urgent question 02
If you have a time-sensitive assignment and instant assistance, you can request it by adding “urgent” status to your order. Then, the order cost will be higher. -
Quick questions 03
Top experts answer fast questions on the site. However, the application of this option requires a subscription for a quick question feature. -
Notebank 04
The huge database of educational information sources for learners applies to clients of the company. The notebank comprises 20 million articles and books in various fields and languages. You can find pieces by a necessary tag (discipline or topic).
While working on the Study Pool review, we prioritize quality, considering it the most important indicator of a company’s trustworthiness and professionalism. We need to start with the fact that the process of the StudyPool log in is required for a client to place a request and apply for customer support.
StudyPool seriously takes the matter of StudyPool jobs and employs solely the top tutors with sufficient expertise and qualifications. Each StudyPool tutor has a university degree and a particular field of competence. The service guarantees quality and 100% authenticity of help.

- 100% questions privacy. If you add a “private question” option to your order, you make your question unavailable to other users. Your request is anonymous and visible exclusively to the assigned tutor.
- Control of your order. You can communicate with a tutor and request further explanations of the topic if you find the answer to your question incomplete or incomprehensible.
- Quality. Tutors provide learners with profound answers and explanations to their questions and hold classes according to the latest standards. Quality was a crucial criterion for our Study Pool review. We revealed that the quality assurance department did its work responsibly.
- Revision. If you find the expert’s assistance ineffective, you can apply for further explanations in the chat. Revisions are free.
- Refund. If the tutor fails to meet your deadline or needs, or cancelled your order without notification, you can apply for a refund. The reason, however, should be strong.
- 100% originality. The service guarantees 100% authenticity of the tutor's answers to all questions. The matter of plagiarism is central in the best essay writing service reviews. That is why we checked this assurance a few times.

While preparing the StudyPool review, we found out that the StudyPool payment process involves 100% prepayment of the order cost. StudyPool price is based on the tutor’s specialization and expertise, and the assignment’s peculiarities. Such options as “urgent order” and “private question” are payable too. While undertaking a transaction, you should consider that the writing service charges an extra 20% of the order cost as a fee for its services.
You can employ any of your credit or debit cards to deposit funds to your customer area and pay for the question posted. Moreover, the service emphasizes that PayPal and a few other online wallets are acceptable payment methods. However, such information needs further clarification from customer support.
StudyPool is a company with a proven reputation in the niche since it has long-standing 10-year expertise in assisting students with their challenging assignments and topics. We found StudyPool reviews on TrustPilot, Sitejabber, and other review platforms and answered our primary question “Is StudyPool legit?”
While working on the StudyPool review, we became familiar with customer service, where managers are willing to supply you with details on the order process, the expert’s competence, and further peculiarities of the company’s performance. Customer support is at no cost to clients. The service offers tutoring services at rates that meet customers’ budgets. Notebank is a helpful database for learners who seek relevant information on a particular subject.
The essay writing service is a trustworthy helper in various fields, from trigonometry to psychology. It has proven expertise and a team of qualified specialists eager to provide explanations even to the trickiest question.