StudyBay Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.

- Price from $17
- Discount -
- Deadline 4h
- Studybay is one of the many academic writing services that function on a bidding basis. In our opinion, the bidding system is by far the most inconvenient method of ordering papers. Even though it may seem like you have more control over the person doing your order, in reality, there is no way of knowing whether you have hired a good writer.
- Studybay has been around. The website claims that since then, it has helped over 80,000 students from all over the US. There is also a claim that over 27,000 tutors are working for the company, but we have a hard time believing this number — if Studybay really had over 27,000 of tutors, it would be a much better writing service.
- The studybay company focuses primarily on academic assignments like essays and term papers. However, it can also proofread and edit your work, and even paraphrase your writing to make it more unique and avoid possible issues with plagiarism. Find out whether obtaining a Studybay login is the first step to your academic success!
Urgent orders 01
Studybay tutors can accommodate nearly any deadline. If you have an urgent assignment that is due in 24 hours, you can pay extra and have your order completed when you need it. -
Partial payment 02
If you have been a Studybay customer for some time and spent over $5 on papers, you can opt for the partial payment system for 10% to your order price: only 60% will be paid when you place the order. -
Creative writing 03
In case you don’t have any strict assignment details and have been asked by your professor to let your imagination run wild, you can hire a Studybay tutor starting at $5 per page. -
Business plan 04
If you are a marketing student or are thinking about launching your own business, it is essential to have a good business plan at hand. This is where one of the Studybay writers can help you!
We will admit that we were extremely tempted by the advertised $5 per page essay writing service by Studybay — the lowest price we have ever seen was $7 per page, and even then the quality of writing left a lot to be desired. Still, we hoped for the best. However, when we placed our order for a 2-page high school essay, the lowest bid out of the three bids we got was $8 per page from a rather experienced tutor, which is not that low, compared to other writing services.
We waited for 48 hours until the deadline, but we got the paper only two hours later. At first glance, the quality of the paper was adequate. However, once we reviewed it further, the essay turned out to be one of the worst pieces of academic writing we have ever witnessed. The essay contained some glaring mistakes in spelling, and the punctuation was also far from perfect. It became clear to us that Studybay does not have any strict hiring policies in place.


Most of the writing service reviews turn out to be divisive for one simple reason: the testimonials on the company’s own website are far more positive than the average rating of the service on third party websites. Studybay reviews, which also contain photos and order details, are no exception: about 95% of the testimonials posted on the Studybay website praise the services and its prices and are generally very happy with the quality of the papers.
However, we believe that the only way to be impartial in our Studybay review is to carefully check the reviews on other websites. For example, Studybay Reddit testimonials are very easy to come by and reveal a lot of telling facts about the operations at Studybay. The general consensus is that Studybay fails to deliver the level of service they promise to their customers. The writing lacks finesse, the prices are not as low as they are advertised, and the bidding system is generally not convenient to use. Most reviewers are not planning to return with more orders, which isn’t good.