Slader Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Slader is one of the newer study resources online, but it has already gained a decent reputation among students of all academic levels. The reason for that is the unique premise of the service. Slader, or Salder, as it’s called by some of the customers, is a database of study solutions created by the staff and other users.
- So how exactly does it work? Slader contains thousands of textbooks on every academic subject starting from middle school. For each textbook, there is a list of quizzes and questionnaires that students often need to complete to demonstrate their understanding of the material. The quizzes are crowdsourced and the answers are published on Slader.
- There are two primary ways to access the required quiz, problem or question. You can browse by subjects and then select the book you are using in class, or use the search function and enter keywords to your question or the entire question. Slader is undeniably a cool and modern company that even has its own merch line available on the website.
Browse textbooks 01
If you study with a specific textbook and need to solve the quiz or problem at the end of the chapter, you can enter the book’s name, ISBN, or locate it in another way. -
Search questions 02
In case you don’t have a specific textbook requirement but rather want to find an answer to your question, you can browse the database of millions of questions answered at Slader. -
Rate solutions 03
Many of the solutions offered by Slader are contributed by users just like you, which means they can always be improved. Rate the solution you discover from 1 to 5 to increase their quality in the future. -
Become a contributor 04
Want to add to Slader’s huge knowledge database? Sign up as a contributor and start answering questions and providing real help to other students.
It probably won’t surprise you that the quality of content on Slader is hit or miss, as it’s often the case with crowdsourced websites. Since basically anyone can make a contribution to Sladers collection of solutions, there are plenty of answers that have questionable quality. And even though the community at Slader does a respectable job of moderating the content and making sure that only quality answers make it to the website, there is a lot of work that needs to be done.
Plus, even though the website claims to have thousands of books and millions of answers, we found it to lack some of the most common books and solutions. We made several search queries, and while some of them came with great results that would really help us write a decent paper or do homework, many of them came back blank. However, we are sure that the Slader service is constantly developing and that you will be able to find even more information in the near future.


Back when Slader first appeared, which was only a couple of years ago, students were ecstatic — it was one of the first writing services where you could not only study the books, but also find answers to the questions and problems you are dealing with every day. The ability to contribute to the content on the website and help the website grow was also very appealing to the users. However, with time, customers started noticing more problems with the service.
If you look at the Slader reviews online, you will discover that many of them are highly positive and praise the service for its functionality and for the fact that it is available absolutely for free. At the same time, some of the reviews are not that positive. People often complain about the quality of content that is contributed by other users. The contributing users frequently abuse the rating system and downvote the solutions posted by other users. Plus, Slader users sometimes report the fact that the book is present on the website, but there are no solutions to its problems.