Shmoop Review
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- A college education is considered to be essential for a successful career in the future, but the truth is that it’s not at all easy to excel at college. Students are constantly looking for ways to make the study process easier, Shmoop offered their own solution to the problem.
- Shmoop, or Schmoop, as it is often referred to, is a comprehensive study tool designed for college students. Shmoop was founded by a couple of former students who are well aware of the struggles college students face every day. That is why the founders decided to merge study with humor to make the study process more enjoyable for their customers.
- Right now, there are no Shmoop university plans, but college students can choose from a variety of services, including study courses ranging from Elementary to High School, and test prep for the SAT, ACT, and AP. The service also offers numerous free resources like literature guides, videos, flash cards, and college prep that are very popular with students.
Test prep 01
Struggling with tests at college? Use the resources and practice exams at Shmoop to effortlessly prepare even for the most complex and demanding tests. -
Video guides 02
One of the standout features of Shmoop that is included in the standard membership is the access to thousands of educational and entertaining videos. -
Career guides 03
Since college is not your final destination, but a stop on the way to a brilliant career, Shmoop wants to prepare you for the possible challenges of work life. -
College credits 04
With Shmoop, you can get access to over 50 courses with transferable credits. It means that you can study at your own pace and still get valuable credits.
Smoop positions itself in the market as a comprehensive study tool, but we were surprised to see that the company does not offer any writing or homework services. That is why we can only judge the quality of work execution by the quality of study materials located on the website. At first glance, the materials looked rather diverse and well-written. The writers took into account the college curriculum and followed the most important academic standards in their work.
However, the longer we investigated the quality of work execution by Shmoop, the less convinced in their approach to studying we became. Shmoop is known for a humorous attitude to learning, with jokes being included in the study materials and comedy bits being featured in the study videos. Still, we believe that this approach does not work for everyone. Some students need a particularly serious environment to advance in their studies, but that’s not what you’ll find at Shmoop.


While preparing for our review of Shmoop and its services, we checked hundreds of reviews on third party websites and testimonials published on the Shmoop website. Those testimonials are obviously 100% positive, as you would expect from reviews published by the company itself. However, with third-party reviews, the situation is rather different. Among many positive testimonials praising the service, there are occasional dissatisfied opinions.
We found that the opinion about Shmoop and its features largely depends on the expectations the customer had prior to signing up to the service. Some customers were clearly looking for a full-service academic solution that would not only provide them with study guides, but also complete their assignments for them. These customers are definitely going to be disappointed, since Shmoop does not actually do your homework. However, as a study guide, knowledge database, and collection of educational videos, Shmoop enjoys a certain level of popularity among college students and teachers.