ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.
- Price from $10
- Discount 20%
- Deadline 3h
- Let's start our review with a few words regarding the company's website. Once we opened the site, we were impressed by the design of the website and its usability. The point is that the website is divided into separate logical sections with necessary information.
- You can easily navigate the site sections by pushing the buttons placed at the top of the site. We also found that you can see the writers' descriptions on the same main page.
- provides its users with detailed instructions regarding the ordering process. It makes the essay buying process easier even for new customers. Our first impression of Essay Writing Service Canada is that the site is very user-friendly, convenient, and reliable, according to dozens of satisfied customers in the reviews section.
High-priority status 01
For $9.99, your order will be the number one priority for the writers. Once you buy this additional service, your paper will get written sooner than other customers' papers. -
Full plagiarism report 02
If you want a detailed report proving the 100% uniqueness of your paper, you can buy an additional plagiarism check for $14.99.
Every customer demands an appropriate quality for their money. And it’s understandable. Of course, if you found EssayWriters for the first time and before you didn’t read any other reviews, you can treat it with caution. However, our review of will dispel all your doubts.
EssayWriters guarantees you the highest quality of your papers. Once you make an order on the platform, your essay will be taken by one of the qualified writers. There is no need to doubt the quality of your paper since thousands of satisfied reviews speak for themselves.
Before writing our review, we double-checked all the service reviews, and our verdict remains the same. EssayWriters Canada is worth your time, and for the money you pay, you’ll receive the highest quality of your paper within the specified deadlines.

- Money-back guarantee. The first thing to which an average customer draws attention. Hurry to please you that the essay writers have a money-back guarantee, so in case you are not satisfied with your paper or it will not meet the specified deadline, your funds will be returned to you.
- Guarantee of capability. It means that once your order is placed in the system and the service accepts it, they guarantee that your essay will be written according to your requirements and meet the deadline.
- Absence of plagiarism. Be sure that before your finished paper is sent to your inbox, it will be carefully checked for plagiarism. The service gives you 100% that your essay will be free of plagiarism. However, do not forget that you also can buy a report for plagiarism for a symbolic price.
- Revision of your paper. While writing your paper, you can ensure that your essay is written according to all requirements. What is more important is that the number of revisions is not limited.

It’s worth mentioning in our review about the payment methods the platform offers its customers. Sometimes customers may face some difficulties when it comes to the payment page, and they can find the payment process too complicated and even may refuse their purchase.
Difficulties are not what you will face while using payment process is intuitive and reliable. It doesn’t matter whether you will use MasterCard, Visa, or PayPal; your payment will proceed as fast as possible, and the essay writer will begin the paper immediately.
The company’s reputation is something you will never buy for the money. When it comes to new users, the first thing they check is reviews from previous clients. However, in the case of Canada EssayWriters, the company is proud of its reputation.
You can check all the reviews, and all you will find will be the satisfied testimonials of happy users. You will not find a single comment of dissatisfaction because the company cares about its reputation. That’s why they find a special approach to every customer, which leads to a crystal reputation and thousands of happy customers.