Essay Tigers Review
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- Price from $10
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- Essay Tiger is an academic writing service that is rather well known among students. Its biggest selling point is the affordable pricing, which starts at just $10 per page. EssayTigers are also apparently very passionate about real tigers and make a yearly donation to the WWF to preserve this wonderful species, which is actually adorable.
- At EssayTiger, you can get help with the most common types of written academic assignments, including essays, research papers, dissertations, reports, reviews, and business writing. There are also services regarding editing, proofreading, problem solving, PowerPoint presentations, and multiple choice questions.
- Overall, Essay Tigers is not a service known for its exceptional quality of papers, but the price per page is so attractive that we couldn’t help but be intrigued about our EssayTiger experience. We did like the modern and informative design of the website, but what else can you look forward to with Tiger Essay?
Writer choice 01
You can choose any writer for free, but if you want to hire an advanced writer or top writer, you will need to pay extra. There is also an opportunity to choose the writer you have worked with before. -
VIP customer service 02
With this feature, which costs $14.99, you will get priority responses from the customer support, as well as SMS notifications about the progress of your order. -
Plagiarism report 03
If you want to make sure your paper is completely free of plagiarism, you can buy a complete plagiarism report for $9.99 per up to 5 pages, or more if your paper is longer than that. -
Sources used 04
In case you want to do some additional reading and become more familiar with the subject of your essay, you can download the sources used in your paper for $4.99 per source.
With a minimal price of $10 per page, we were perfectly aware of the fact that we should not expect the highest quality of writing from Essay Tigers. That is exactly why we opted for the Top Writer service when placing our test order on the website, which was a 3-page undergraduate essay on History. We set a 10-day deadline, paid extra for the writer choice feature, and waited for the order to be delivered, which happened just before the deadline.
To cut a long story short, we were completely unimpressed by the quality of the paper that was done by an EssayTiger writer. The paper had three full pages and was formatted according to our requirements, but it was not what we expected from the Top Writer service. The language used in the paper was more fit for high school, the references were out of place, and there were major issues with grammar and spelling in several parts of the final draft.

- Your paper will be delivered exactly on time — only 1% of orders at Essay Tiger is delivered late.
- The service is completely confidential — your private data will never be shared with anyone.
- Every paper is written with an individual approach — you can even upload your writing samples if you want the paper to truly look your own.
- All data is encrypted — your financial data is encrypted with SSL and will never get into wrong hands.

Essay Tiger has a special section of the website dedicated to customer testimonials. It seems like new testimonials are added daily, but we didn’t find an invitation for other customers to leave their reviews, which seems rather suspicious. All reviews posted on the website give the service either 4 or 5 stars, but they are generally very positive and don’t point out any problems with Essay Tigers, although that was exactly what we expected to see.
After taking a quick look at the testimonials posted on the company’s own website, we went to look for Essay Tigers review on third party websites, and the situation there was strikingly different. Only about a third of the EssayTiger customers who reviewed the service are happy with the work the company did for them. Others cite late delivery, plagiarism issues, and overall low quality of the papers as the reason why they were not satisfied with the Essay Tiger writing. Customers also pointed out that it’s virtually impossible to get a refund, which is not a good look for the service.