EssayOnTime Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.

- Price from $20,99
- Discount 15%
- Deadline 3h
- In our opinion, it was sensible to start our EssayOnTime review by checking the website’s interface and the options available there. Our findings are quite a user-friendly site with a well-designed interface. It slightly differs from other similar websites. The only distinction is the absence of the “sign up” button. It implies you cannot create an account without placing an order.
- Since your registration starts with filling out the order form. Someone may find it convenient enough. Many Essay On Time reviews state that the website is quite maneuverable in terms of order cost calculation and leaving a request. Such options are available on the homepage. In addition, we noticed the pop-up window of a live chat with a customer support manager that is active 24/7.
- The website lacks information on the expertise of the service; however, the statistics are 200+ completed orders and 600+ orders in process. What about the personnel, the service doesn’t provide details on the employment procedures, however, emphasizes that all experts have Master's or Ph.D. degrees.
Top writer 01
You can apply for a premium writer for an extra $11 charge. A top expert is a highly recommended specialist according to the customer satisfaction rate and quality department assessment. -
UK writer 02
There are US and UK writers on the website. Their approaches to paper writing may somehow differ. Therefore, if you need a UK native speaker, you can pay an additional 5% to your order price and assign an appropriate expert to your order. -
PowerPoint presentation 03
Some learners need visualization of writing assignments in the form of PowerPoint presentations. You should not seek another expert to handle it since you can add this option to your order for an extra $20. -
Proofreading 04
If you have a sophisticated essay and need further proofreading to ensure the best quality, you can entrust the order to a specialist with 15-year experience. This option costs $5.75.
While preparing the Essay On Time review, we revealed that the matter of quality is central to our EssayOnTime review. We acquired a research paper to check the writers and editors’ skills. EssayOnTime has a quality assurance department engaged in monitoring the conformity of completed essay texts with the assignment instructions. It also checks the plagiarism in papers offered for learners.
Many Essay On Time reviews highlight the user-friendliness of the customer service that you can contact via phone number (there are options for US, UK, and AU students), email address, and online chat. There, you can inquire about further details about the particular aspect of the company’s performance and get a response within a few minutes. If you need a prompt answer, you can apply for VIP customer support for an extra $9.99.
In addition, you can request a paper draft and plagiarism report. Delay is possible if a writer notifies a client and they agree upon this matter. Most options responsible for the essay quality are payable. You can track your order performance in the customer area. There is also an option of direct communication with the expert.
EssayOnTime provided us with a paper consistent with our requirements. It was authentic since we checked it for plagiarism independently. If we had had some amendments to the paper, we would have applied for revisions or money back. However, such assurances are limited in time and have some nuances you should consider.

- Privacy. The service follows the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and contributes to the security of customer data. It assures the confidentiality of each order placed with the service.
- Customer support. You can get 24/7 customer support from online managers employing a live chat, email address, or phone number. This guarantee is free and applies to all customers.
- Secure payments. The service sticks to the data security rules of Security metrics, Comodo SSL certificate, and AuthorizeNet.

We found no Essay On Time reviews concerning the matter of payment security. There are no complaints about the payment methods either. The service accepts the applications of such systems as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover, and American Express.
The unique peculiarity of the payment options we revealed while preparing the EssayOnTime review is a free choice of currency to undertake a transaction. You can select one form USD, EUR, GBP, or AUD. The service charges no extra fees. We paid the price the order cost calculator had shown.
Although there are no details on the service’s expertise. While working on the Essay On Time review, we found no precise figure for that. The experts have already managed 200+ orders and are working on 600+ tasks all the time. The customer satisfaction rate is 96.6% on Essay On Time. However, we always rely on the best essay writing service reviews provided by proven review platforms like SiteJabber and others.
On Sitejabber, there are many EssayOnTime reviews and the average rate is 4.8.
If you are eager to order Essay On Time services, become familiar with the above details and apply for customer support to clarify nuances regarding the company’s performance. Select the best essay writing service according to reliable testimonials!