ClubEssay Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- I started writing an ClubEssay review by visiting the site's main page. I liked its laconic and modern design. The main page has everything a potential company client needs to know. At the same time, the site is not overloaded with information and is convenient for navigation. Thus, I immediately found out who the service writers are, the price for this or that paper, and the guarantees, and I saw ClubEssay reviews from customers.
- I could not find exact information on when the company started its activity. But judging by the fact that it has completed almost 50,000 different student orders, I can say that service has been around for at least 5 years. A student can get various types of writing services here. You can order, for example, an essay or any other academic paper made from scratch. You can also place an order for paper proofreading, editing and formatting.
- The site's main page surprised us with the number of tasks already completed and the number of disciplines with which the service can help. In addition, most Club Essay reviews say that student grades have improved. I also found many Club Essay reviews from customers who say that this service was recommended to them by their friends (38% of all orders). According to Club Essay reviews in independent media, the company's average rating is 4.8 out of 5.
Advanced writer 01
If clients need a very important paper, then ClubEssay is always ready to help them with this. For example, while writing an Club Essay review, I found that clients can choose from several types of writers depending on their qualifications. Naturally, this will cost a little more, but the quality of such paper will increase significantly. -
Native speaker 02
If the client is a student of the humanities, then perhaps one needs a paper written in beautiful literary English. Who else besides a professional native-speaking writer can better cope with such a task? Clients can contact the administration and discuss the possibility of writing a paper with just such a writer. -
Expert editor 03
Do you have ready-made paper, but alas, you are not sure of its quality? In this case, you need the help of an expert editor. The specialist will find all the errors and shortcomings in your paper. As a result, it will significantly increase its quality and your chances of getting an A+. This student help is ideal for those who prefer to write their assignments independently but need a little and affordable proofreading help. -
Digital copy 04
Each paper written from scratch will be formatted according to the student's requirements free of charge. For the client to have fewer problems preparing for the defense, ClubEssay is ready to provide one with a digital copy of all literature sources used for writing the paper. In my ClubEssay review, I would like to note that I was personally convinced of the relevance of the sources used. All of them were less than 3 years old.
I decided to order essay online to do my ClubEssay review as unbiased and accurate as possible. So I filled out the order creation form without problems, paid for it and waited for the result.
I can responsibly declare that the result of the Club Essay work, to some extent, exceeded my expectations. I was 100% satisfied with the formatting and plagiarism check. The paper for my Club Essay review was really written from scratch and under all requirements. I didn’t even have to resort to the free revision service, although it is available. If I were a student, I would recommend this service to my friends.

- Guarantee that the paper will be 100% written well. ClubEssay writers will only take on your academic project if they are confident they can do it well.
- Paper uniqueness guaranteed. The ClubEssay administration claims that each paper is written from scratch. Thanks to my experience with a real order here, I was able to ensure this was the case.
- Guaranteed free revisions. The service promises free revisions within 14 days after the client receives the paper. It is important to remember that such revisions will concern only those conditions initially specified in the paper requirements.
- Money back guarantee. ClubEssay will return 100% of its value if the client does not receive his paper. If the quality of the paper is unsatisfactory, the client will receive a partial refund and free revisions.

I have already noted that to pay for the order. You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card. Also, if the client finds it more convenient, one can use the Discover or American Express services. In my ClubEssay review, I believe that such a variety of reliable payments speaks positively about the writing service. I would also like to note that the service strictly pursues a privacy policy, does not transfer customers’ personal data to third parties, and has SSL encryption. Thanks to this, the risk of getting caught using ClubEssay is minimal.
Since the company has been writing academic assignments for at least 5 years (in my opinion), it has developed a certain reputation on the network. And the reputation is just excellent. Club Essay has thousands of positive reviews from satisfied customers. It is not surprising because the service made almost 50,000 papers during its existence.
For this article, I researched the Club Essay reviews on the main page, where they were all positive. It is not surprising, so I went further to independent sources. The vast majority of Club Essay reviews have also been positive in independent sources. In their ClubEssay reviews, students noted that their papers were unique and made from scratch. Dozens of ClubEssay reviews speak of a professional 24/7 customer support team.