EssayBot Review
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- If you have always dreamed of the day when you could just give your essay prompt to someone and receive a paper after some time, you are probably not a stranger to various essay writing services. And while some of them have a fairly standard mode of operation, where you work with a writer, there are services like Essay Bot, which are completely different.
- Essay Bot claims to be an AI-based technology for writing original papers in a matter of minutes. At first glance, this sounds too good to be true. And after spending time on the EssayBot website, we are still not convinced it’s really a good study solution. It is, however, a fun technology to try, given that you are not pressed for time with an urgent task.
- Essentially, EssayBot allows you to type in your essay topic and get a full paper shortly. However, the content of this paper is the most questionable aspect of the service. It will be a rephrased medley of Wikipedia articles and other people’s papers, rewritten in a way that will allow you to pass a plagiarism check.
Information databases 01
The text of your essay will be picked from millions of credible websites where other students and scholars search for information on their papers. -
Plagiarism checker 02
Each word in your essay will be checked for originality rewritten to help your paper pass even the most advanced plagiarism software checker like Turnitin. -
Grammar checker 03
Even if you are not the world’s most skilled writer, the software behind the EssayBot service will meticulously check your writing and suggest ways to improve it. -
Citations 04
Want your essay to look polished and professional? Create as many standardized MLA & APA citations as needed with a few clicks using Essay Bot’s citation feature.
The quality of work is, perhaps, the most interesting aspect of many Essay Bot reviews: you can’t help but wonder whether it can actually deliver quality essays? Well, we tried several popular essay prompts and we can’t say we were satisfied with the results. Without any editing, the paragraphs of the essays are hardly readable and definitely won’t land you a positive grade. And if you spend hours editing, it defies the purpose of the service, which is to save your time on writing.
Like many authors of other EssayBot reviews, we were especially frustrated by the software’s use of synonyms. We understand that this is done in order to pass the plagiarism checks, but the choice of the synonyms harms the readability and coherence of the text. Instead of the proper scholarly language, you will likely see questionable wording that is not a good fit for high school or college. If you care about the quality of your paper, you are unlikely to enjoy working with Essay Bot.


To research the average opinion about the service in the essay writing market, we checked hundreds of Essay Bot reviews and testimonials. We found that the customer’s opinion largely depends on their expectations from the service. If a customer was looking for a comprehensive essay writing solution, they eventually became disappointed in Essay Bot because here you have to do much of the work yourself and a positive result is not guaranteed.
On the other hand, there was a handful of customers who were rather satisfied by the EssayBot service. These are the people who don’t mind spending hours editing the paper created for them by the AI technology. Nevertheless, the consensus on the internet is that Essay Bot cannot be seriously used for crafting custom academic paper. The only two possible ways to use it in your studies is either for fun or to give you a general idea about the topic. A common question in the reviews is “Is Essay Bot cheating?”, but it can hardly be considered cheating if you heavily modify the result.