BoostMyGrade Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.

- Price from $70
- Discount -
- Deadline 24h
- Our team must start the Boost My Grade review with the analysis of its website. Its interface may look quite simple at first glance, however, our experts noticed that lost options are at your fingertips, and you need a few seconds to find the necessary option. Nevertheless, there is no price calculator, which many students may find quite useful. You need to place a free quote to find out what the order cost will be. The website lacks information on the price policy, but there is a vast bulk of intricacies of the company’s performance.
- The homepage has a three-step guide to place a free request in a few seconds. The context menu covers the most common options the learners employ. There, by clicking the “about us” option we became more familiar with the company’s values and priorities, also competence and personnel. There is a blog about various students’ experiences and many tips on how to pass the exams successfully, write a stellar paper worthy of the reader’s attention, complex and inspiring quizzes, and their tasks the specialists are competent at. All the blog posts are the work of experts working on the site.
- A unique option is “help” where you can apply for customer support and find relevant and helpful resources for studying and boosting academic performance. There are hundreds of FAQs with concise but profound responses. In addition, there you can look through customer BoostMyGrade reviews based on their own experience. It is impossible to place a request for assistance without previous registration. There are “sign up” and “login” options on the website. The registration process is user-friendly enough. The only precise information required is an email. BoostMyGrade also has accounts on various social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook.
Quizzes 01
We found if you have such a challenging assignment as a quiz but you are short of understanding the subject, there are specialists eager to assist almost immediately. Such an option costs $75 too. -
Presentation 02
The company provides effective visualization for papers and projects by preparing eye-catching presentations for $75. Experts are competent specialists in various disciplines. -
Test 03
If you have no time to pass a serious test or exam but need a decent mark, you can hire a professional for $120 and they will take your test responsibly after 12-hour preparation before that. -
Tutoring 04
Writing assistance is not the only common and professional service on the site. Many BoostMyGrade reviews highlight the qualifications and competence of the tutors. You can contact the teacher via an online chat and schedule your studying according to your needs and resources.
The professionalism of Boost My Grade was central to us in our profound Boost My Grade review. Our team undertook thorough research to provide you with relevant insights into the various aspects of the company’s performance, from the signup, and order placement process to communicating with an expert and completed order delivery.
BoostMyGrade provides enough options for acquiring top-notch assistance with papers, tests, quizzes, exams, and any issues the student cannot address. There is a free messenger for contacting customer support and a specialist assigned to your order. There are detailed explanations and responses to the FAQs, clients’ testimonials, and a few BoostMyGrade Reddit reviews.
The company finds it a duty to satisfy the customer’s needs and assures a refund if something goes wrong. The service recruits alumni with Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees with expertise in the disciplines of their competence. BoostMyGrade lacks precise info on the originality of its assistance; however, according to the BoostMyGrade reviews it tries to perform exclusively custom writing services.

- Customer satisfaction. The service provides customized assistance to clients. The expert assigned to the project or a tutor entrusted to assist you with the subject always attempts to meet even the most demanding instructions. There is no 100% original content guarantee, however, specialists never copy or steal someone’s content to perform your assignment.
- Refund. If a client is not satisfied enough with the completed specialist’s job, there is a free option to apply for amendments or other expert assistance. However, if such actions are to no avail, you can request a refund. If the service finds your reason justified enough, you will get your money back.
- Customer support. There are three ways to contact the helping line. You can write a message to the email address indicated on the site; dial the phone number, and message the customer support manager in the online chat. These options are free, but accessible five days a week from Sunday to Thursday from 9am to 3 am.
- Communication with an expert. No matter what type of service you purchase, you have an opportunity to message your writer, tutor, or helper via the specifically designed secure chat. Its information is encrypted. There, you can discuss your project or assignment instructions or tutoring process.

You can pay for expert services with your credit card in a few clicks. Personal payment data is protected and transactions are secure. While working on the Boost My Grade review, we found a few details of the payment process. You should deposit funds to your account after the service assigns the competent specialist to your order.
Boost My Grade is a platform engaged in supplying students with pro assistance with their academic tasks of various types. It has ten years of proven expertise in the market. The personnel comprises experts in dozens of fields, from math and programming to anthropology and chemistry. Every specialist is a holder of a high academic degree and a graduate of a prominent university.
The rating on Sitejabber is somehow less than four. We were eager to find Boost My Grade reviews Reddit, however, there are very few testimonials there. There is a lot of customer feedback on BoostMyGrade. Our team also looked through BoostMyGrade reviews on other proven review platforms to provide you with thorough feedback on the service.
Boost My Grade is a competent helper with papers, quizzes, tests, projects, and assignments to students from throughout the globe. There, you can get customer support at no cost and a satisfaction guarantee with money-back assurance. It is a service with personnel of qualified writers and tutors.