99Papers Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $9,95
- Discount 15%
- Deadline 3h
- Most customers rate 99 Papers prices as affordable. Starting at $9.95 per page, they are designed for a wide audience. Any student can afford such prices. However, prices increase when the deadline time is reduced. The most expensive rates will be for the Ph.D. writers, the paper from which is required in 3 hours. Page of this level costs $55.50. At the same time, even the most professional Ph.D. writer cannot offer the best quality work in such a short time. I would recommend allowing the writer to work on the paper for at least a few days. The quality will be higher and the price is significantly lower.
- Customer support is available on their website. The live chat system is implemented and the 99Papers agent answers 24/7. Toll-free +1888 334 9223 calls can also be made to get a faster response. To place an order, simply fill out the form and expect a more formal response, which will be received by email. However, customer support is not only used for ordering. The 99 Papers com 24-hour team also deals with refunds. In some cases, clients change their minds and choose to work with another writer or refuse the order. This is why the instant response is crucial, especially for paper with a same-day delivery date.
- 99Papers doesn’t have a lot of discounts to look at. It's hard to find any 99 Papers promo code. The only 99Papers discount code I found was a 5% off for new customers. There are differentiated prices for high school, bachelor, master, and Ph.D. levels. This means that the price is also scaled as needed. There is a bonus program with 15% cashback which allows you to use bonus funds for new orders. 99Papers also offers a money-back guarantee. However, this policy is not linear, and full refunds are rare. The final amount of compensation depends on the level of work that the author has done and is discussed at the individual level.
Advanced writer 01
When filling out the form for creating an order, you can immediately indicate which academic level your writer will have. This has a major impact on the price. So, for example, a common essay writer will cost 9.95, while a Ph.D. $27.20 per page. -
Native speaker 02
The administration of 99Papers assures that all its writers are native English speakers. At the same time, you can request such an option from a support agent. I find this somewhat strange. On the main page, I did not find information about how much such a service costs. But after doing some research for the 99 Papers review, I found that it costs an extra $40. -
Expert editor 03
When I spoke with a support agent, she offered me the service of additional editing of an already finished paper. It also seems strange to me, because most often QAD produces editing and proofreading for free. 99Papers editing will cost $19.50. -
Digital copy 04
In the course of ordering for the 99Papers review, I did not request such a service. I know that it exists and helps to significantly simplify the preparation for defense. The price of a digital copy of the sources used is negotiated individually and depends on the complexity of the paper.
At first, the ordering process seemed frightening. There were so many fields in the order form that I almost got lost. Fortunately, most of them are optional, such as selecting an author or additional features. The second step concerned the details of the document, including formatting, theme, and instructions. And in the last step, I reviewed the order and confirmed the payment.
After viewing the negative 99Papers reviews, I was nervous that I would miss the option of choosing a native English-speaking tentacle. It would add almost $40 to the price, so I decided to ignore it and hope for the best. Fortunately, I got a pretty good paper. Some of the ideas were unique and fresh, so I knew the research was done. I found a couple of typos and weird phrases, but I figured I’d edit them myself without asking for a revision.
In general, I am satisfied with the quality of writing, although I would like it to be more qualitative, stylistic, and grammatical.

- Free revisions guarantee. All revisions are free if you request them within ten days of the paper’s delivery (or 20 days for tasks over 20 pages).
- Money back guarantee. The money-back terms are detailed, with specific points and instructions for different cases. For example, if you have not received your paper, you can request a refund. The company will process your request and return the money within 20 days.
- Installment payment. If you have a large order worth more than $600, then you can pay it in installments. This is quite a convenient option for students who often experience financial problems.
- Plagiarism free paper. The administration of 99Papers ensures that each paper will be written from scratch and will be free from plagiarism. The paper I received for the 99Papers review was truly unique. Unfortunately, the service does not provide a plagiarism report either for free or in a paid form. I had to check the paper by myself.
- Choosing the writer. If you are not making the first order, then you can choose a writer with whom you have collaborated previously. There is no guarantee that one will be available for your task at that moment and you may have to wait. I did not take advantage of this option since I made the order for the first time. Also, due to the possible waiting, this option is not suitable for those students who need urgent papers.

As for the payment methods for paper, everything is simple and clear. I didn’t have any problems paying for paper for the 99 Paper review. Payment can be used in credit cards Visa or MasterCard. Also among the payment options are such services as PayPal, American Express, and Discover.
The 99Papers rating on SiteJabber is 4.6 stars. Most customers are satisfied with the quality of the 99Papers writing and customer support. However, some negative 99 Papers reviews refer to unfulfilled requirements, poor spelling, and so on. By the way, the representative of the company is relatively active on SiteJabber, responding to most of the dissatisfied 99Papers reviews.
There may have been a 99Papers Trustpilot page once, but it is now closed along with dozens of other writing services. I’m still disappointed that I couldn’t see the 99 Papers reviews before they were deleted.
Every 99Papers review Reddit has to offer has been the subject of my study, but it turns out that most of them were written by competitors. Some 99Papers reviews have given false facts, such as the absence of a bonus program, even if there is one. I found several real 99Papers Reddit reviews, and most of them were positive.