PapersOwl Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $17
- Discount -
- Deadline 4h
- At first glance, Papers Owl does not look very different from other writing services we have reviewed recently. The website does not contain too much information about the service and its origin, and it doesn’t even tell when the company was launched. However, a deeper look at the website revealed one key difference from the competitors — the bidding system.
- In our experience, the bidding system has always been a drawback rather than an advantage. It is often not explained clearly enough and the customer ends up paying way more than he should for a mediocre paper. That is why we were particularly curious to see what Owl Paper had in store for us
- When we went to explore the Paper Owls site further, we saw an advertisement inviting new writers to join the team. According to the ad, all you have to do to become one of the writers is sign up for the service. However, this is clearly not enough to ensure a high quality of writing, so we instantly had doubts about the whole thing. Check out our PapersOwl review and make right desicion.
Premium writers 01
If you want a higher chance of getting a nicely written paper, you can make your request visible to only 50% of the best writers with a minimum of Bachelor’s degree for +10% to the order price. -
Platinum writers 02
Have an important assignment coming up and need even an higher quality of writing? For +20% to the order price, you will release your request only to 20% of top rated writers with a Master’s degree. -
Writer choice 03
In case you don’t have the time to review each individual bid or you think you don’t have the experience required to make the best choice, you can allow Papersowl to choose the writer for $9.99. -
Plagiarism checker 04
Want to know if the paper you have written or received is fully original? Test your writing with Papersowl’s free online plagiarism checker to see if it’s unique enough!
We were very eager to see the bidding system in person and to find out whether it’s efficient enough, but things didn’t go right for us from the start. To test the versatility of the Paperowl writers, we placed two orders, one for an essay on a rather common topic and one for a research paper on a more exotic subject. We received 8 bids for the first assignment, but after not seeing any bids for the second order for 3 hours, we had to cancel it.
When placing the first order, we chose a 5-day deadline for a 3-page essay. Unfortunately, the writer was several hours late with the order, but that’s not even the worst thing about our experience. When we reviewed the paper, it turned out to contain lots of grammar and spelling mistakes, and the formatting was inconsistent and messy. We asked for a revision, and the writer delivered a better paper in 24 hours, although it was still far from perfect.

- Your order must be always completed before the deadline.
- Your paper will be 100% original with no plagiarized fragments.
- Your essay will be grammatically correct and properly formatted.
- If you don’t like the final draft of the paper, you can request a free revision.

When looking at the reputation of a writing service, we always look for the testimonials on their website first. Papersowl has plenty of reviews on their website, with many praising the ability to follow the instructions and deliver the order before the deadline. The testimonials even contain some details regarding the orders, but we still have a hard time believing that all of those reviews are genuine or that negative reviews are not deleted by the team.
A closer look at third party reviews of the service revealed that not all Paper Owl customers are happy with the work they received from the company. There have been many complaints from the clients, but the most common ones mentioned the unacceptable quality of writing. Some customers also reported that the orders are often overpriced for the quality of the service, and some even claimed that even though they only ordered once, Papersowl continued charging them monthly a considerable amount of money and did not want to discuss the possibility of a refund, which is not a good look.