PaperCP Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $17
- Discount -
- Deadline 5h
- The academic writing market is growing very fast, and along with reliable and safe writing services, there are many essay writing companies that simply prey on vulnerable students. That is why it’s so important to do your research before ordering a paper online, and that is exactly what we did when we decided to review PaperCP.
- Unfortunately, finding at least any relevant information about CP Paper turned out to be a nearly impossible challenge. The company’s website does not contain any guides and articles that could explain their goals, list their services, and offer some insight into the PaperCP’s life.
- After further researching the service, we found out that PaperCP offers a variety of writing services for students of all levels, including essays, book reviews, dissertations, case studies, and annotated bibliographies. The homepage of papercp displays a carousel of writers’ profiles, complete with their stats, but most of those profiles look fake.
Premium quality 01
If you are willing to pay 10% more for your order, you can get your order displayed to only the top 50% of the writers, who have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. -
Platinum quality 02
For 20% more to your order price, you can have the order details shown only to the top 20% of the PaperCP writers, who are considered to be Experts and have a Master's degree or higher. -
Rewriting 03
If you have a completed academic paper or another piece of writing that you need to make completely unique, you can do so with the rewriting services at Paper CP. -
Best writer 04
In case you don’t have the time to monitor the bids or are not sure you can make the best choice of the writer, you can pay an extra $9.99 and have PaperCP choose the writer for you.
To test the quality of work at CP Paper, we ordered a sample essay. It was a fairly standard assignment: a 2-page high school essay on History with a 7-day deadline. Imagine our surprise when two hours have gone by since we placed the order and there were zero bids on this arguably easy task. We waited for two more hours, and by the end of this time, there were three bids overall. For the sake of the experiment, we chose the mid-priced bid.
In our opinion, 7 days are more than enough to do a 2-page high school essay, but the writer clearly had a different idea. They delivered the paper almost three hours late, and we weren’t even compensated for the lateness. Upon reviewing the order, we found several major and lots of minor problems, both with the facts and the writing. Our request for a revision was granted, but we didn’t see any serious improvements in the second draft.

- Knowledgeable and experienced essay writers with academic degrees.
- Plagiarism-free papers on every subject imaginable.
- Fast turnaround time even for urgent and large orders.
- Properly edited references and following the formatting guidelines.

As always, we used two ways to judge the online reputation of the writing service — in this case, PaperCP. First, we checked out the testimonials on their own website. No matter how many times we refreshed the page, only two testimonials were visible, and while both of them are praising the service, it is, at least, slightly suspicious. Normally academic writing services go out of their way to display positive testimonials on their website.
Things didn’t get better when we went to third party websites to check independent reviews of PaperCP. Many customers had the same problems as we did — namely, they couldn’t get any bids on their orders for a long time. The lucky customers who eventually received their orders named even more problems with the service, including low quality of writing, lots of factual mistakes, and the service’s reluctance to revise the order for free or to refund the full amount if the order failed to live up to the writing standards. Overall, the ratio of positive to negative reviews is about 70/30.