PaperCheck Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
As we receive a commission for posting links to our partners’ services, we don’t charge our users. We also get compensation every time you follow the links on our website. Please keep in mind that our cooperation with writing companies has nothing to do with promotion. Consequently, it doesn’t affect the quality of our work. We do care about our reputation and we operate to solve students’ most complicated academic problems. This is why we try to be objective while writing every single review. At ReviewingWriting, we cover reviews of most academic writing companies, yet we can’t review all of them. So, if you didn’t find a review of your chosen writing service, you can check for alternative companies along with those reviewed by our team.
- Price from $0.0465 per word
- Discount 10%
- Deadline 3h
- Like every similar feedback on a paper writing company, our Paper Check review started with analyzing the website options. The first thing we noticed was the button for registration and signing in. It is worth mentioning that a client cannot place an order without previous authorization. We created our account by filling out the form. We indicated our name, phone number, and email address, also details of our country, state, and city address with a concrete zip code.
- We needed to create a username and password and provide payment details including a credit card number, expiration date, and even security code. Every customer should sign a user agreement. The company has many sections with relevant information on its performance. However, it was challenging to find a particular number of companies’ years of expertise. We became familiar with hundreds of testimonials available on the site. We decided that year is the start of the company's engagement with the niche.
- The website design has a dark interface with a full list of service packages on the homepage. There is a button for submitting a document in the context menu. We also read many details on price and privacy policy. PaperCheck provides three options for customer support and a range of guarantees. The editors’ specialization covers paper editing, formatting, proofreading, grammar, and spelling mistakes correcting. It works to satisfy the customer’s needs and demands.
Elite Level Editing 01
There are two options for professional editing on Paper Check. The only distinction is the deadline. Two-day deadline costs $0.1559 per word. One-day deadline costs $0.2053 per one word of a top expert’s assistance. Such elite services provide free one-page critique and editing help from two experts. In addition, it supplies free message notifications. -
Certificate of editing 02
If you need precise information and details on the expert’s work, you can apply for a certificate of editing for $9.99. It is a profound report on the paper’s editing and the expert’s view on the assignment’s mistakes. -
SMS notification 03
If you do not apply for pro editing with a higher word rate, you can separately request a message notification for an additional $1.00 for each SMS. It implies a notification about the order completion to your phone number. -
Specific writing style 04
The company provides assistance with APA, MLA, and other writing styles, however, you also can request help with any other writing format for an extra 15%. It also applies to the document format other than docs.
We thoroughly worked on our PaperCheck review and placed an order with the website. We must analyze the quality based on our experience. We looked through the vast bulk of aspects covering editing services’ quality, experts’ professionalism, in-time delivery, quality assurance department, guarantees, and other company performance peculiarities.
In addition, we read hundreds of Paper Check reviews available on the website. The only challenge was to find testimonials on the review platforms. We revealed that Paper Check has a reputation as a legit company responsible for taking each order and satisfying customers. The company highlights that clients cannot submit plagiarized documents while placing an order.
PaperCheck assures quality and privacy by providing revision and a money-back guarantee. It provides secure transactions and makes data drain impossible by protecting customers’ confidentiality. The matter of quality and experts’ professionalism is a central part of the service’s priorities that many readers may find crucial.

- Free revisions. The client has a guarantee of free amendments in case of some dissatisfaction with the completed order. If you notice some mistakes or a low level of authenticity in your paper, you can apply for revisions without extra charges. The only criterion is a 14-day limitation to leave such a request. You can inquire about “how to check my paper one more time” in customer service or directly contact the expert.
- Money back. If you find misunderstandings with an editor and further amendments do not prove helpful, you can request a refund of the money. The only requirement is a justified reason. You should provide particular complaints about the quality of your paper and indicate what points of the task description the expert failed to meet.
- Customer confidentiality. When you place a “check my paper” request and need professional editing assistance, you may look for profound improvement to your paper provided by the top expert. However, another crucial expectation is the total security of data provided to register an account on the site. The company uses proven data protection algorithms to assure clients’ privacy.

We researched all payment methods while preparing a PaperCheck review. While registering an account on the site, you should provide payment details for your card with which you will deposit funds to your account for paying for the order. You can select a credit card or PayPal. Then, all the transactions are transparent and protected by DigiCert, TrustedSite, TRUSTe, and other data security providers.
We believe that the reputation of the best essay writing service forms its image on the market and users’ trust in its services. You may face a vast bulk of information about PaperCheck editing and its capabilities, however, it is tricky enough to find such a great number of customer testimonials on proven review websites like Sitejabber and RankMyWriter.
Nevertheless, we became familiar with hundreds of PaperCheck reviews on the website that are structured in separate sections with different years. There has been customer feedback. It demonstrates that the company has over 15 years of expertise in the field.
The service is known for its huge team of editors and proofreaders providing their assistance throughout the clock. Many PaperCheck reviews highlight the rapid response of customer service. Effective Grammarly Paper Check also does not leave clients indifferent. Experts check paper for plagiarism with considerable attention to detail; however, do not guarantee 100% originality. The service is popular for its PaperCheck scholarship program.
PaperCheck is a legit essay editing service with helpful customer service, a reliable order process, and hundreds of Paper Check reviews.