PaperRater Review
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- Web-based online plagiarism checking and proofreading service called Paperrater promotes itself as a universal student’s assistant able to help in improving writing skills and saving time spent on paper editing. According to the official information the Paperrater provides, it is irreplaceable for teachers, as it aids in reviewing student’s papers. And, taking into account the possible workload both teachers and students may have during the whole academic year, Paperrater seems to be an essential help. However, Paperrater reviews that can be found online are far from being positive. The question of is Paperrater reliable is rising again and again. Our Paperrater review aims to finally dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s”. So, let’s dive into this issue deeper to reveal all the truth.
- Paperrater interface is quite simple and somewhat obsolete. Being a purely academic service does not imply the need of being highly technological or contain an array of tricked-out design features. Used for definite feature set, Prerrater should carry out its work well, that is it. However, an attractive interface can make any user stay on the web page longer, and intuitive navigation helps not to waste time looking for the needed information. These are nuts and bolts of the web design that, unfortunately, are foreign to the Paperrater admins.
- The homepage is performed in white and blue colors with the print screens of the examples of how its services work. The main menu is quite limited and consists of several options: Home, Features, Pricing, Help/FAQs, Log in. Nothing extra, but nothing special as well.
Paperrater is an automated scanner, which means that the texts are checked by a specially designed algorithm called Grendel. Paperrater admins picture Grendel as a monster created on the basis of Beowulf poem’s character. According to Paperrater legend, this is Grendel who empowers the proofreading tools and makes them work impeccably. While performing its plagiarism checking job, Paperrater uses both Google and Bing searching engines. Taking into account the fact that these are the most popular engines in the world, the checking results of Paperrater should have been extremely accurate. Sounds promising, but when it comes to practice, things aren’t so marvelous.
After checking some authentic Paperrater reviews, it becomes clear that the given platform cannot boast even of an average accuracy rate. Very often, it misses a huge piece of plagiarized content which may seem a big problem for the students, especially when their professor uses more qualitative checker. As to the proofreading, Paperrater is also not the best option. Of course, there is no computer service that will check and correct your paper perfectly, as there are always uncommon grammar mistakes that cannot be recognized, or a sense which can be transmitted with the help of some unusual word construction which can be considered by Grendel as an error. However, due to the information provided in FAQ section of the Paperrater website, the cases when the service’s suggestions provided for one of the user’s error appear worse than the original error itself, are quite common. Due to such situations, questions like is Paperrater fake are not rare.


All the basic services in Paperrater are free to use. However, in order to get way more extensive reports on your paper, you will have to purchase a Premium package.
The range of payment methods to complete transactions is quite limited. The premium features can be bought using credit and debit cards only. The good news is that Paperrater accepts all major credit and debit cards.
Paperrater is powered by the two most popular search engines: Google and Bing. Despite such an impressive combo, the accuracy of Paperrater could have been better. Paper Rater is not a real academic essay writing service, therefore we cannot recommend it.