MyAdmissionsEssay Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $13
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- My Admission Essay is an academic writing company that instantly lets you know about its purpose. The primary service of the company is admission essays, which are a source of stress and dread for thousands of aspiring college applicants. However, MyAdmissionsEssay’s scope of services isn’t limited to only admission essays.
- The writers at My Admission Essay can also do your regular essays, literature reviews, presentations, and even CVs and cover letters. The website of the company is attractively designed, but upon further inspection, we didn’t find some crucial facts about MyAdmissionsEssay — for example, when the service was launched.
- The company emphasizes the fact that while all of its writers work on a freelance basis, each of them is a native English speaker. My Admission Essay promises to resolve every issue in favor of the customer and to do whatever it takes to make everyone happy. That is exactly what we were hoping for when starting our review.
Previous writer 01
If you have already worked with one of the My Admission Essay writers and enjoyed the collaboration, you can request the assistance of the same writer for your new order. -
Type of writing 02
MyAdmissionsEssay offers three types of writing to each customer. You can choose Basic writing at no extra cost, but Standard writing and Premium writing will automatically increase your order price. -
VIP customer service 03
For an additional $14.99 to your order price, you can get your answers and requests addressed before hundreds of other questions in the queue of the customer support team. -
Plagiarism check 04
If you want to get a proof of originality when ordering a paper from My Admission Essay, you can request a plagiarism report for an additional cost starting at $9.99 for a 1-5 page paper.
When placing our test order, we were surprised by how flexible the deadline at MyAdmissionsEssay was. There is even a possibility to order a PhD paper with a 3-hour deadline. However, we decided to go for a medium deadline and placed an order for a 3-page college essay with a 24-hour deadline, which was considerably more expensive than the advertised lowest price per page. We requested a Standard writing level and included several important instructions.
Our paper was delivered almost an hour late. The essay was formatted according to our requirements, but there were major problems with the writing itself. Having requested Standard writing, we expected to see complex sentences, academic language, and the use of idioms. Instead, we got a paper that seemed to have been written by a non-native English speaker. Plus, the final page of the essay was only ⅔ of the page long, which was not what we paid for.


If you are wondering about the public opinion about MyAdmissionsEssay, like we were, you can find several customer testimonials on their homepage. Unsurprisingly, they are exclusively five star reviews that constantly praise the service. The testimonials, however, lack essential information about the customer and the order for us to consider them 100% genuine. Plus, there is no way for new customers to make their own testimonials, which is not good.
We did not stop at the reviews on the My Admission Essay website and went to look for third party reviews, which revealed a different picture. Only a third of the reviewers we came across were happy with their orders, but even they often experienced minor issues when working with the service. Other customers reported a bad experience with MyAdmissionEssay. The most common complaint in their reviews was the lack of writing quality despite requesting Standard or Premium writing. Some customers also complained about missed deadlines, plagiarism issues, and troubles with customer support.