Kibin Review
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- Price from $14
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- Deadline 5h
- Kibin com is a relatively new service in the academic proofreading field, having launched only. According to the story posted on the Kibin website, the service was founded by a student who knew exactly what he wanted to say in his essays but did not have a way to get his voice heard.
- As a result, he founded an essay editing and proofreading service to help students who experience the same problems. Right now, Kibin offers a limited range of editing services to students of all academic levels, but we were disappointed to see that there is no way to get a Kibin essay from a professional writer.
- While there is no one at Kibin who can write a custom essay for you, the website has a huge database of over half a million essays on every topic you can imagine. These essays can be rather helpful if you have hit a writer’s block, but since Kibin does not explain where such a big number of essays came from, we are a bit wary of their origins.
Editing and proofreading 01
Not sure your writing is up to the impossible academic standards of your professor? Have a Kibin editor polish your paper starting at $9.99 per page. -
Essay examples 02
Struggling with beginning your essay or with fresh ideas for captivating writing? Browse hundreds of thousands of Kibin essays and get the much-needed inspiration. -
Paper grading 03
Want to know what kind of grade you can receive for your paper? Try the free Kibin paper grader! Simply upload your work, wait for up to 48 hours, and get your graded paper back. -
Thesis generator 04
This is another way to get inspiration for your essay writing process. Just enter the details of your essay and get back a strong thesis so build your essay upon.
Unlike many other paper editing services, Kibin provides their services on a paid basis, which leads us to believe the quality of editing and proofreading at Kibin should be miles ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, that is not the case with Kibin. To thoroughly test the quality of work provided by Kibin, we uploaded several papers to be edited and proofread by different people, and the results have been very uneven.
Some of the papers we uploaded to Kibin have been edited almost to perfection. The editor working on those papers clearly had a lot of experience in the academic paper editing field, because the edited papers we received were of the highest quality. However, two of the papers we sent to be edited came back largely unchanged even though we deliberately made some mistakes. We were not completely satisfied with the quality of editing.


We quickly formed our own opinion about Kibin, but, in order to find out what other people think of the service, we checked hundreds of Kibin reviews online. There are a few testimonials on the Kibin website from the customers and most of them are highly favorable, but since the company can easily manage their content and tone, we tend to take them with a grain of salt — they do not provide the most convincing picture of Kibin’s online reputation.
A closer look at the Kibin reviews on third party websites revealed a different picture. There are some customers who have found the services offered by the company to be completely satisfying. Those customers were rather happy with the variety of services, their quality, and prices. However, most of the reviews we have come across have been less positive. Many customers were unhappy with the quality of editing, while some found the service to be lacking essential features. Most customers agree that the Kibin services are overpriced and not particularly useful for a typical student.