GPALabs Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $10
- Discount -
- Deadline 4h
- GPALabs is an academic writing service that boasts over 10 years of experience in the writing industry. One of the first things you will notice about them is how modern their website looks, which we originally interpreted as definitely a good sign — when a company cares about its customers, it makes sure the website is pleasant to use.
- The website contains plenty of information about the company and its services. For example, you can quickly find out that GPALabs provides all kinds of writing services, including essays, research papers, presentations, speeches, and dissertations. There are also some impressive stats, indicating that there are over 40,000 satisfied GPALabs customers.
- There is a little piece of data stating that there are over 500 active writers currently available for your orders, but there is absolutely no information on who those writers are. The lack of any information about the writers made us think that the number of active writers might be exaggerated or not true at all.
Smart paper 01
If you want more information on how your order was created and the writer’s working process, you can opt for the Smart Paper feature for +20% to your order price. -
Writer samples 02
Want to know if the writer’s style, vocabulary, and skills are a good match for your writing needs? For $5, you can request up to 3 samples of the writer’s past works to test their proficiency. -
Copy of sources 03
In case you want your references to be as complete as possible — for example, if you want to do some additional reading — you can request a copy of all sources used for your paper for $14.95. -
Progressive delivery 04
If your order has more than 5 days before the deadline and is worth more than $200, you can opt for progressive delivery. You will get your paper chapter by chapter and will pay for it in installments.
To give you a fair review of the paper quality at GPALabs, we placed a test order that was, in our opinion fairly easy for an experienced writer — it was a 3-page college essay with a 7-day deadline on a popular subject. We had no problems whatsoever with the ordering process, and while the system tried to convince us to purchase additional features, we were satisfied to see the order total come up instantly instead of having to wait for it like we did with some other services.
When we received the finished paper, which happened just before the deadline, at first we were impressed with the overall look and formatting. The writer did a nice reference list, so we had high expectations for the rest of the paper. Imagine our surprise when we read the first page and quickly suspected that the paper was not written by a native English speaker. The language, the sentence structure, and the use of terms was nowhere near the requested college level.

- Confidential service: your order and financial data is kept secure and never shared with third parties.
- Plagiarism-free guarantee: your paper will be written completely from scratch.
- Free revisions. Don’t like the content of your paper? Ask the writer for a revision that will be done for free.
- Money-back guarantee. In certain cases, you can get a partial or full refund, although the conditions for the refund are rather complicated.

There are plenty of GPALabs essay services reviews on the company’s official website, which are mostly positive and constantly praise the service. The testimonials include the date, customer’s ID, and the type of the paper that was completed by GPALabs. It is all done to make the reviews look more genuine and personal, but we are not fully convinced that this is the case. You could easily fake these testimonials, which is why we take them with a grain of salt.
Searching for GPALabs reviews on third-party websites reveals a different picture. Only about ⅓ of the customers we have met online are happy with the services done for them by GPA Labs. There are several common complaints that can be spotted in numerous reviews. The most common one is the quality of writing. People reported getting low grades because of the inappropriate writing in the orders, or simply shared our belief that the papers at GPALabs may be done by someone with subpar English skills. Some customers also complained about the late delivery and refund problems.