ExtraEssay Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $9
- Discount 15%
- Deadline 3h
- We started our Extra Essay review with the homepage and we were immediately impressed by how clean cut and informative the website looks. It has everything you could ever find out about a writing service, including the list of their services, prices, guarantees, reviews, and even writing samples.
- There is no exact information on how long ago the service was established, but, given the number of completed orders and positive ExtraEssay reviews, we would presume the service to be at least five years old. Extra Essay provides a variety of academic writing services to their customers ranging from essays and book reports to dissertations, coursework, and even CVs.
- The statistics displayed on the Extra Essay website are guaranteed to leave you astonished with over 36,000 satisfied customers, 900+ writers, and 85% customer return rate. Few other writing services can boast the same achievements, which only makes the position of Extra Essay in the market stronger.
Advanced writer 01
Have a very important paper due soon? Get an even better quality of the paper by having your assignment written by an experienced and versatile writer. This feature will add 25% to your order price. -
Native speaker 02
For 25% more, you can have a native English speaker do your assignment. In that case, you can look forward to outstanding quality, masterful use of language, and familiarity with academic standards. -
Expert editor 03
Want to make sure your next paper is absolutely flawlessly written and free of mistakes and possible plagiarism? Pay just 15% over your order price to have a professional editor review your paper. -
Digital copy 04
Get a digital copy of the sources used for your essay for $9.99. That way you will always be able to demonstrate your work process to your professor and get a better idea about the topic of the paper.
If you have come to our ExtraEssay review to learn more about the quality of the papers delivered by the service, it is perfectly understandable. After all, there is a good chance that the impossible demands for papers at your school are the biggest reason why you resort to buying essays from a writing service instead of doing the work yourself. We have carefully studied every aspect of writing at Extra Essay and found no flaws with their quality of work, formatting, delivery, or service.
Every paper written by ExtraEssay we checked for this review has complied with the strictest academic writing standards. The formatting is spotless, the language is appropriate, and the plagiarism test return with a 100% originality rate. We would recommend Extra Essay to any customer who cares about the quality of their essays.

- Capability assurance. It means that ExtraEssay will review your order once you place it, and only when they are absolutely confident they can do a brilliant job with it, they will accept the order.
- Plagiarism free guarantee. The service promises to never allow plagiarized fragments into the final draft of your paper.
- Revision. The revision guarantee promises that the writer will revise your paper for free in case they fail to follow any of your requirements on the first try.
- Money Back Guarantee. The money back guarantee lists the cases where you are entitled to a refund, but there are not too many situations where you can expect a full refund.

The range of payment options offered by extraessay is rather diverse. In addition to the common payment methods like PayPal, Mastercard, and Visa, you can also pay using Discover and American Express. Needless to say that the payment system at Extra Essay is thoroughly encrypted to preserve your personal and financial data intact.
Extra Essay has been in the essay writing business for over five years and has accumulated numerous reviews from former and current customers. Overall, we can say that the reputation of ExtraEssay is pretty strong. Not only are the testimonials on their website largely positive, but the reviews on third-party websites also praise the service for their fast turnaround, affordable prices, exceptional quality of papers, and impressive attention to detail.
Many customers also point out the helpfulness of customer support, which is available online 24/7 and can help you at any stage of the ordering process.