EssayShark Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $17
- Discount -
- Deadline 4h
- Essay Shark is one of those academic writing services that you probably know even if you have never ordered from it. This service has not been around for a long time, as its history only dates back. However, it managed to build quite a reputation for itself in those eight years. For many students, Shark Essay is the go-to writing company.
- There are many factors that contributed to EssayShark’s success. Their variety of services and subjects is truly impressive. Essay Shark has also often been among the first services to introduce new features, and the design of their EssayShark com website is modern and easy to use. The company even has iOS and Android apps with the same functionality.
- However, recently the popularity of the service has started to dwindle. There are now more and more EssayShark reviews that reveal numerous problems with the service. We could not ignore those reviews any longer and decided to take a good look at how Essay Shark works and whether it’s a good choice for your writing needs.
Editing services 01
If you have already finished your assignment and now want someone to give it a professional treatment by correcting the grammar and language, you can order it from the service. -
Rewriting services 02
In case you already have a paper and now need to make it completely unique and help it easily pass any plagiarism test, an EssayShark writer can help you do that. -
Writer choice 03
If you have already worked with a specific writer at Essay Shark and enjoyed their services, you can request assistance from the same writer by typing in their ID while ordering. -
Writer finder 04
In case you don’t have the time to review the bids and select the best one, you can opt for this feature and have the service choose the most suitable writer for your assignment.
The quality of writing is one of the most common complaints in the Essay Shark reviews, which is why we paid special attention to this part of our investigation. To see how the quality of work execution at EssayShark compared to other services, we placed an order for a 3-page college essay with a 10-day deadline. We published our order and got five bids, but all of them were surprisingly expensive. We went for the lowest bid, which made the price per page for our order $14.
We received the paper on time with a few hours before the deadline. At first glance, the paper looked fine. The writer took into account our formatting requirements and we received three full pages. However, when we looked closely at the writing, we discovered a variety of issues with the paper. Judging by the language used by the writer, we suspected that they were nowhere near the college level. Our paper looked more appropriate for middle school. There were also spelling issues.

- Your paper will be 100% original and will not contain any plagiarism.
- You can access the customer support 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Your paper will be delivered exactly when you need it and not a minute later.
- You can track the progress of your order directly with the writer.

If you are curious about the public opinion regarding EssayShark, as we were, you have plenty of ways to find out about it. You can start with their own website, where there are plenty of testimonials from the customers. Unsurprisingly, all of them are very positive and include five star ratings for the service. The testimonials even contain some details about the order and the writer, which makes them look more legit, although we still have our doubts.
A quick look at the EssayShark Reddit reviews and other opinions on third party websites reveals a different picture. We have found more than one Essay Shark review claiming that the company provides low quality writing services with inflated prices. Customers also report late delivery, questionable use of language by the writer, and inability to request a refund due to complicated policies. We even saw an Essay Shark review from a completely unhappy customer saying that his order turned out to be plagiarised and that he never received a compensation despite failing the class.