EssayHave Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $17
- Discount -
- Deadline 4h
- Essay Have is not the most famous writing service, but it does enjoy a share of popularity with customers. It has been around for more than a decade, and in that time, it has offered students a fairly standard variety of writing services, which includes essays, dissertations, lab reports, book reports, and presentations.
- The essayhave website has a rather attractive design, but even more importantly, it contains nearly everything you would want to know about the service before ordering. There is a presentation of the services, a video presentation, a list of benefits, and a section with statistics, which shows impressive average scores from the customers.
- And while the service may seem unproblematic at first, there have been numerous EssayHave plagarism claims that are impossible to ignore. That is why we decided to do a deep investigation of the service to tell you whether it’s a good option for your academic writing assignments.
Writer samples 01
Want to make sure the writer’s style, English level, and knowledge are a good fit for your assignment? For $5, you can get 3 writing samples from a selected writer. -
Progressive delivery 02
If your order is estimated to cost more than $200 and has a deadline of more than 5 days, you can opt for progressive delivery for +10% to your order price, which you can pay in installments. -
Smart paper 03
In case you want to know more about the process of creating your paper — for example, if you want to do some additional reading before class — you can get in-depth comments from the writer for +20%. -
Copy of sources 04
Get a digital copy of every source used in the creation of your paper for an extra $14.95 to the price of your order.
As always, evaluating the quality of work execution was an essential step in our preparation for this EssayHave review. Given that the prices at Essay Have are far from average, we expected the quality of the writing to follow suit. We placed a standard order for a 2-page college-level essay on an easy subject with a 10-day deadline. The order process and payment went smoothly and we were assured we would get our paper on time and in a spotless state.
By the end of the 10-day deadline, there were still no signs of the paper. In fact, it was delivered nearly three hours late, but that wasn’t the biggest problem with the paper. The biggest problem was its quality. We did not specifically request our essay to be written by an ENL writer, because we assumed it was a given. However, our paper was clearly written by someone with English as a second language, and it was clearly visible everywhere in the essay.

- Plagiarism-free writing: your paper will not contain any fragments taken from other sources.
- Confidentiality guarantee: unless you tell people you ordered from the service, no one will ever find out.
- Revision policy: if the paper does not meet your expectations, the writer will revise it for you.
- Money back guarantee: in some cases, you can receive a refund on your order.

There are numerous testimonials on the EssayHave website that are located right in the middle of the homepage. Unsurprisingly, they are about 99% positive. The reviews contain some information about the customer and the order, which was clearly done to give the testimonials more credibility. Still, we are not entirely convinced that they are written by real customers, or that the company does not edit them to showcase a better reputation among the public.
After studying the testimonials on the Essay Have website, we went to look for third-party reviews, which are usually absolutely real and speak volumes of the experience you can get at this company. And the picture painted by those reviews was largely different from the one we saw on the EssayHave website. There was more than one Essay Have review claiming that the paper was written by a non-ENL writer, which was similar to our own experience. Customers also reported late delivery, issues with free revisions and refund, and inflated prices as the most common problems with the service.