eNotes Review
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- A quick research revealed that enotes com was launched over two decades ago by two former students who connected based on their love for Shakespeare’s works. Soon, the website grew, and in a few years, it became eNotes. eNotes considers itself to be a comprehensive study solution, but we have a hard time agreeing with that.
- The biggest problem with e Notes is the extremely limited variety of services offered by the company. Essentially, eNotes can only be used in preparation for your Literature classes. Other than that, eNotes is pretty much useless. What’s even worse is that the service won’t actually do your Literature assignments.
- The only way to use eNotes in your studies is to consult the literature reviews and guides. There is also a feature that allows students to ask questions that are then answered by the eNotes staff members, but it is only available to paying members. Plus, you won’t get much help out of a single question answered by the service.
Study guides 01
There are over 300,000 study guides available at eNotes for thousands of well-known and obscure literary works, so you will likely find the necessary one. -
Homework answers 02
There have been over 365,000 student homework questions answered by professionals, so there is a chance your question is already published there. -
Annotated texts 03
Having trouble comprehending a particularly complex literary work? With annotated texts, you can get a better understanding of a challenging piece of writing. -
Downloadable PDFs 04
The feature that allows you to download study materials as PDF files is nice, but we were disappointed to learn that with a 1-month membership, you are only allowed 1 download per month.
If you don’t take into account the limited services of eNote, judging the quality of work execution by the service does not yield a universal result. It’s clear that there are many people responsible for writing materials for eNotes — in fact, the service regularly recruits new writers and, apparently, does not have a very strict selection process — so the quality of writing we’ve seen on the website is often uneven.
Some of the literary study guides we have encountered on eNotes are very well-written and formatted. We couldn’t really find any flaws with them, and it’s obvious they have been written by someone with plenty of experience in academic writing. However, we have also seen more than one eNotes study guide of questionable quality. They didn’t look professionally-made at all and made us think that it’s the work of some students.


To get an informed opinion about the positioning of eNotes in the market and the public opinion about the service, we studied numerous online reviews. There are no testimonials on the eNotes website, but there are plenty of enotes reviews on third party sites to give us an idea about how it is perceived by the customers. The analysis of the reviews delivered a 50/50 result with only about half of the customers being absolutely happy with the service.
The most common complaint from eNotes users were the limited possibilities even with a paid membership. After paying $14.99 per month, you can only ask one question to the experts, which is not nearly enough to help you advance in your studies. The chance to download just 4 PDF files per month is also very concerning to us and the customers, because the average study needs of a student require more than that. The quality of writing in the existing study guides and question answers has also sparked many negative reviews from the customers, with some claiming they were inaccurate.