Edusson Review
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- Price from $16
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- As always, we began reviewing the Edusson paper writing service by checking the website for information about the company. Surprisingly enough, there is no history or interesting facts to be found on the Edusson website, and there is no information on when the service was launched, which we instantly found suspicious.
- A closer look at the website revealed that the service conceals a lot more information from the customers, including their pricing. However, we did find out that Edusson offers writing services ranging from essays to dissertations, as well as assistance in proofreading and rewriting completed papers by students.
- There is a big section of the Edusson website dedicated to hiring new writers. Writers are required to have a Bachelor’s degree, which is not enough to craft academic papers, in our opinion. There is also a warning to the writers not to buy accounts on the website, which makes us think that there have been incidents with fake writer’s accounts in the past.
Editing 01
If you have written the paper yourself but are not too sure if it has the quality required for a good grade, you can have an Edusson editor proofread it for you. -
Rewriting 02
In case you obtained a written assignment from another source and now need to make it fully original, you can take advantage of the Edusson rewriting service. -
Premium writers 03
For +10% to your order price, you can display your order only to the top 50% of Edusson writers with a Bachelor’s degree and a 90%+ success rate. -
Platinum writers 04
If you can pay 20% more for your order, you can have your order displayed only to the top 20% of Edusson writers with a 95%+ success rate.
To make our Edusson review as complete and fair as possible, we made sure to test the quality of their service and writing. After all, when you order a paper online, you expect the quality of the writing to be superb — after all, if you did not care about the quality of your paper, you wouldn’t go the extra mile of ordering an essay from an online writing service. However, already at the order placement stage, we experienced the first problem: after 2 hours, our order got just two bids.
We chose the more experienced writer and sat back waiting for our Edusson essay, which was due in 36 hours. However, the writer did not deliver the paper on time and was almost 3 hours late with the order. After reviewing the paper, we spotted numerous mistakes, both with the facts and with the grammar. The many spelling mistakes made us think that Edusson is not honest about their hiring policies and will hire pretty much anyone, even a non-native English speaker, to be their writer.


We understand that our single order experience is not enough to tell whether Edusson is a reliable writing service. In our quest to get the most complete picture regarding Edusson’s reputation among customers, we went through hundreds of Edusson reviews on multiple sites. There are some testimonials on the Edusson website, and while they seem rather legit and contain some information about the order, we always take those testimonials with a grain of salt.
If you look for Edusson reviews elsewhere, you will get a much clearer idea about the company’s placement in the essay market. After reviewing numerous reviews, we found that Edusson does not have the best reputation among customers. On many websites including Reddit Edusson often receives negative reviews. The most common complaints about the company are the quality of the writing and missed deadlines. Like us, some customers suspect that the service does not employ strictly native English speakers with degrees from prestigious schools after evaluating the quality of work execution.