CliffsNotes Review
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- CliffsNotes reviews on the internet are mixed. Some users believe that the services they provide are essential. However, a dominant sentiment is that CliffsNotes is not really the best the industry can offer. So, this CliffsNotes review will focus on providing a thorough and unbiased evaluation of the company’s practices. The reputation of this company is quite high among students. The company provides assistance to students at all levels who are seeking assistance and guidance in different subjects. They also provide materials for interested users.
- So, on visiting the website, one would expect that the design should look exquisite. On the contrary, the site’s design looks simplistic - and in a bad way. The color scheme of black and yellow is attractive and appealing. However, the pattern of arrangement of the homepage looks like the work of an amateur. There is no navigation menu at the top of the homepage. The absence of this feature means that new users will have a difficult time navigating the page.
- For first-timers, the stress involved in surfing the page will only discourage going deeper into the site. Also, the website layout seems to function better on smaller devices. The mobile design is easy to use, whereas CliffsNotes layout on large devices is abysmal. You can see the dark margins on both sides of the landing page to get a clearer picture. Moreover, the background images are distracting to look at. The most worrying thing is the presence of another tab at the top of the page. This tab redirects to another website, which takes more time to load. Generally, the homepage of CliffsNotes’ website does not provide a sense of privacy and security.
Like many reliable writing services, Cliffs Notes offers a multitude of services to its customers. However, the three main services they offer are literature notes, test prep, and study guides. Literature notes. At CliffsNotes, the literature notes are quite impressive. They have a massive library of modern literature. These notes often go into an in-depth analysis of a book. In their analysis, the reviews by CliffsNotes focus on surface analysis of the work on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Although this type of surface analysis might be appropriate for a less-demanding academic level, they won’t pass the expert scrutiny.
Test prep. CliffsNotes provide their users with the opportunity to prepare for standardized tests. The test preparation materials are divided into four categories depending on the academic level. College tests - These tests are necessary for enrollment into colleges and universities. They include SAT, ACT, ELM, and PSAT. CliffsNotes graduate school tests are important for graduates who want to further their education in a given field. Some of them include GRE and GMAT. High school tests - They are necessary for better placement in colleges. They include AP and High School Equivalency Exams. CliffsNotes professional tests cater mostly to non-academic customers who want to climb the career ladder. Some of these tests include ASVAB (for the military), FTCE (for teachers), and other specialized exams.
Study Guides. CliffsNotes provides a wide range of study guides on their page. The scope of these manuals is quite vast since they focus on almost every subject. However, when you go through the contents, you will find out that they only cover the basics of the course. Consequently, one would wonder if CliffsNotes is the best option when preparing for such crucial exams.
Cram Plans. These manuals are electronic e-books that provide an intensive plan for individual preparation for one of the standardized tests. These e-books are free of charge, and they provide a detailed schedule for preparation.
Recommended books. CliffNotes also provides the students with the opportunity to catch up on relevant literature. They give their clients a plan on the books that are essential in preparing for their examination and entrance tests.
Miscellaneous information. Cliffs Notes will keep you abreast of the latest developments and the most recent information on test dates and registrations. They will also provide you with the opportunity to locate the Test Centers within your locale.

- Terms and Conditions of Service. It takes a lot of effort even to find the location of this page. Also, it takes some time for the images on the page to load on a metered network. Generally, CliffsNotes makes use of a return policy that is valid within the first 6 months of purchasing a product from their shop. After this period, the money you spent on the merchandise becomes non-refundable.
- Disclaimer. CliffsNotes categorically denies responsibility for the outcomes of tests that the clients used. Since they do not have any direct affiliations with any of the examination boards, these standardized test programs do not endorse the use of CliffsNotes products. Consequently, students who are preparing for their exams using the study guides on the CliffsNotes webpage might be setting themselves up for heartbreak.
- Privacy Policy. According to this policy, the company has no right to share the user information of its clients. Also, they cannot share your data with third parties. However, a major red flag is a clause that says that vendors that partner with them can access your data. The privacy policy is then pointless if you are not completely protected from other sites.

At CliffsNotes, there are no provisions to make payments for the services they offer. Instead, the user gets redirected to another website that often displays an ‘Error 503’ page. The fact that CliffsNotes automatically redirects you to another website without prior warning is cause for worry.
Eventually, when you find a service you can buy on the new page, you will have to register to buy anything. Alternatively, you can use the website as a guest by providing your email. If you have no problems with sharing your information with third-party sites, then CliffsNotes might be a good idea. If not, then you should always worry about your safety first.
For clients who want to stay in touch with CliffNotes on social media, they can follow the official pages on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. When you have any questions, you can contact them using different emails. Here are the purposes of the five separate emails they have for different issues:
- Contacting CliffTips for information on subscription
- Reporting a design bug to the web team
- Making reports and complaints regarding the purchase and shipping of books and other merchandise
- Reporting and leaving comments on the content of the books and studying materials on their website.
- Obtaining information about advertisement opportunities and promotions available on Cliff Notes or CliffTips.
So, if you have issues on these different fronts, you will have to follow and monitor five emails. This practice does not seem very effective and practical from the customers’ point of view. Moreover, there are no other means of communication available besides sending emails.