AceMyHomework Review
ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $13
- Discount -
- Deadline 3h
- We were rather optimistic prior to our investigation of Ace My Homework, mostly because of the name — who doesn’t want a reliable service who will deliver top-notch homework with a few clicks of the mouse? We didn’t know much about the AceMyHomework service and wanted to form a completely independent opinion.
- However, once we launched the AceMyHomework homepage, we were immediately put off by the lack of essential information about the service. In fact, theirs was one of the least informative websites we have ever seen. There was no list of services, no pricing, and very little other information a potential customer would find very useful.
- We did, however, find out that Ace My Homework has almost 10 years of academic writing experience and offers 24/7 writing services. After more digging, we found that the company can write your essay, presentation, dissertation, and a few other types of written assignments, although their list of services is certainly not as impressive as we’d hoped.
Unsealed project 01
For an extra $11 to your order price, you can disclose the bids from writers to other writers. The writers will see each other’s bids and compete to win your order. -
Writer range 02
If you want every writer at Ace My Homework to see your order and consider taking it, you can pay $11.99 to email your order details to every writer at once. -
Private order 03
Want only the most qualified and select writers to see your order details? For $13.99, you can restrict the access to the order for all customers and non-qualified writers. -
Top project 04
In case you want your order to be the most visible one and to attract as many bids as possible, you can place it on top of everyone else’s orders for $29.99.
We always treat testing the service quality as the most vital part of our investigation, and our Ace My Homework review was no exception. To make things fair for everyone, we placed a fairly simple order: a high school 2-page essay on a popular topic with a 14-day deadline. We were convinced we would get lots of bids, which is why we were very surprised when 3 hours passed and there wasn’t a single bid. After a few more hours, we received two bids and chose the more experienced writer.
The paper was delivered a couple of hours before the deadline, which we consider a plus. However, a close inspection of the paper revealed a number of both minor and major problems. The minor problems included issues with formatting, which we were able to easily correct ourselves. The problems with the writing itself, unfortunately, were far more serious. The writer failed to take into account our order details and made numerous spelling and factual mistakes that we never expected.


While the Ace My Homework website is lacking in nearly every aspect, it did not forget about publishing the AceMyHomework reviews that were supposedly written by its customers. These reviews are almost 100% positive. However, given that the reviews have nearly the same length, look somewhat generic, and don’t contain any information besides the order number, we tend to think that those testimonials are not completely genuine, at least not all of them.
We also went to look for more Ace My Homework reviews on third party websites, and they definitely revealed a different picture. A lot of reviewers had the same problem as we did, where they placed an order and got little to no bids for it. Some customers also reported late delivery and missing pages. However, the most common complaint in nearly every AceMyHomework review is the quality of writing. The papers delivered by the service often fail to match the requested academic level. The grammar and spelling leave a lot to be desired. And there are occasional issues with plagiarism.